All Worlds Health

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Giving Tuesday 2018

Last year, I created All Worlds Foundation -- now a 501c3 nonprofit -- when helping people affected by wildfires in California. The Foundation is dedicated to helping people and communities recover from stress and trauma.Many of you have experienced the benefits of our services at All Worlds Health and know first-hand just how valuable this kind of help can be.We bring much-needed aid in the form of trauma release workshops, homeopathic remedies, osteopathic treatments, energy medicine, and more.Since All Worlds Foundation was formed, we have been able to organize workshops and treatments in Northern California to help with wildfire relief efforts. The personal accounts of loss, narrow escapes, and ongoing overwhelm, are devastating.The same was true when helping students, faculty, and staff at a Caribbean medical school displaced by last year's hurricanes. Although we cannot change what has past, we can do something now, lending a hand however we can.The capacity for the human spirit to heal is limitless. Here's what participants of our Foundation workshops have said:"Thank you for this gift of movement, of release, ofpermission, of peace. It was more than I could imagine.""Amazing! Totally unexpected and powerfully potent bodilyexperience with such positive psychological results"In 2019, we will be traveling to Parkland, FL, where the school shooting that shook the world took place earlier this year. There, we will organize healing workshops to lift the spirits and improve the wellbeing of the community.Throughout the year, we also sponsor individual patients in high need of integrative medical services who cannot afford the care.We have more projects in the works, some local, some far, all with the same goal of deep healing of the human spirit.Whether you can donate your time, skills, money, or other resources, we are so appreciative and happy for your help.

  • $10 - booklet for trauma release exercises
  • $50 - sponsors five people to participate in a trauma-release workshop, to help heal after natural disasters, violence, grief, or other huge stress or loss.
  • $100 - sponsors a group of ten who have survived a huge trauma medical treatment for half a year
  • $500 - sponsors a child or adult to receive integrative workshops for survivors of hurricanes, wildfires, violence, or other traumatic experiences
  • $1,000 - sponsors day mission to run multiple group workshops for survivors of hurricanes, wildfires, violence, or other traumatic experiences
  • $10,000 = OUR GOAL!!!   With this amount, we will be able to run multiple weekend workshops throughout the year, near and far, as well as provide integrative treatment to multiple individuals and families in high-need 

We rise by lifting others.