All Worlds Health

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Here’s one ceremony that most people are familiar with - singing “happy birthday” and blowing out candles!

Here’s one ceremony that most people are familiar with - singing “happy birthday” and blowing out candles!
It’s one of the simplest ways to form an intention
You close your eyes and visualize or think of what you’d like in your life and that fills you with love, allowing you to make a sincere intent, and blow out the candle!
Plus, you get the combo of two elements - fire and air
The thing is, you could tap into that feeling anytime of the year
It’s not just on your birthday that you get to make a “wish”
You do so constantly with your thoughts (as Mike Dooley says “thoughts become things”)
So when you start being conscious of your intent and let the universe take care of the rest (that letting-go part)
That’s when the magic happens
It’s mindful living
Hoping .
Wonderful you
Wishing you joy and happiness!
Dr. Dijamco
#integrativemedicine #makeawish #ceremony #holistic #holistichealth #consciousliving #loveyourself #selflove #loveyourlife #mindsetmatters #mindfulness