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How cool would it be if all physicians and healthcare practitioners were taught some simple breathwork?

How cool would it be if all physicians and healthcare practitioners were taught some simple breathwork?
We spend so much time learning about pharmaceutical ways to manipulate the nervous system that the free and highly accessible tools are overlooked.
It’s not the In- and out-breath working alone, but how they are INTEGRATED.
What’s the balance? What’s the ratio between the two? What do you need?
When you’re stressed, the tendency is to hold the breath or breath high with just the chest moving.
The health is in the flow, so first keep the breath moving in a comfortable way.
Move the breath gently, not forced. Let your belly move out with the inhale. Notice your diaphragm muscle under your lungs.
Sometimes, if you’re panicked, the breathing rate tends to speed up (it’s a reflexive part of the stress response)
Use your awareness to slow your breath down.
Again, be gentle. More is not necessarily better. Neither is pushing yourself too hard.
Then, for extra calming, give the parasympathetic a boost by extending the exhale. Make it at least twice as long as the inhale.
This can help balance heart rate and blood pressure, support digestion, and improve sleep, along with many other benefits.
There are many different kinds of breathing techniques but most people need more calm in their lives. .
Dr. Dijamco
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