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I love this big guy so much!

I love this big guy so much! My sweet daughter spotted him (?) on the road as we were leaving my office.
“Watch out Mommy! Don’t run over the turtle!”
We stopped to admire him and make sure he had a safe passage as he crossed the road - faster than we thought he would!
He had little trouble making it over the edge of the sidewalk. Fortunately, I had a towel in the car and gave him a tiny boost. That shell is heavier than I thought it was!
Once he got to the top of the hill, he paused for a split second as he spotted the water of the pond outside the office.
Then he got super excited! And “ran” and slid down the hill into the water where he splashed away.
This time last year, I had posted regarding a turtle message which reminds us to
“Slow down and see the wisdom within perseverance.”
Wow, what foreshadowing.
Like it or not we have slowed down. What about the wisdom of perseverance?
It’s a fine line between pushing through life and letting life live you; between being intentional and still letting go of the outcome.
That’s where the magic and flow live.
That’s the present moment.
And that’s where perseverance is.
Here and now
Embrace it
Because all pieces of you need your embrace to feel whole
💕 Dr. Dijamco
PS - Watch the video in my story to see this turtle cross the street! Go turtle go!
#turtle #snappingturtle #messagesfromtheuniverse #perseverance #trust #mindset #consciousness #awareness #mindfulness #raisethevibe #integrativemedicine #holistichealth