All Worlds Health

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Flower essences can help you calm

Flower essences are different than essential oils. They use very little of the flower to produce.

The sun imprints the energetic signature of the flower into water.

Although they can be helpful for anyone, I find that people that tend to be “feelers,” or empaths, notice the results more readily.
I love their uplifting nature.
They help me maintain and renew the high vibe in our office.

There are certain ones that I feel are particularly helpful during this time.

I’ve been making them in a rosewater spray combo that has a divine aroma. This blend has been helping people ground during this extraordinary time.
You can find flower essences at natural grocery stores, such as Whole Foods or Sprouts, as well as FESflowers.
🌸🦋🌈 If you’d like one of my hand-blended rosewater sprays, see the link in profile to place an order, whether for yourself or to send to a loved one. (Free shipping within the continental US.)
I’ll be putting together a fresh batch for 2020 Calm. 🙏💖
Love always,
Dr. Dijamco
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