All Worlds Health

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Ok all first-responders, we are looking at you and thanking you for your dedication

Ok all first-responders, we are looking at you and thanking you for your dedication

Here’s another Mr. Rogers quote (I can’t help it, I watched the movie) meant to help kids process times of crisis

Help comes in so many ways

From the enormous groups of mask-sewers that have literally popped up overnight
To a loving smile on a child’s face
To checking on your elderly neighbor
To wiping your toddlers bum
So, guess what, you’re a helper, too!
That doesn’t mean to run yourself into the ground
But help yourself so you can help others
That means to rest when you can
Appreciate the stillness
If you’re in the hospitals, then don’t forget to move your breath
Whether you’re sick or not, there’s a tendency when people are stressed to hold their breaths
Which won’t benefit you or the people you’re helping.
Show your kids how to breathe
Stretch and move your body
Let Mother Nature help guide us during these times
She wants us to embrace stillness
Because that’s where health and creation can emerge
From that full presence of BEing
Even in chaos, there is a still point
Notice it in that small little pause at the top of the inhale and the bottom of the exhale
This can be a beautiful breathing meditation in itself (more on that soon)
Help the world with your kind presence, wherever you are
Realizing you have an important role in uniting the world
Everyone can be a helper
Lots of love,
Dr. Dijamco

Follow me @allworldshealth for MultiDimensional perspectives on health and healing


All holistic online courses are 50-83% off including kids meditations and EFT tapping. Step into the stillness. Link in IG profile or go to