All Worlds Health

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Ordinary is Extraordinary

I am just looking around me and taking in all my ordinary yet extraordinary surroundings: a rug, a chair, the flooring. Someone had to design and make this beautiful rug around me. They put a lot of thought and energy into the process. How else could it have been made? Ditto for the chair and wood floor. The more I look around, appreciating all the small details in my everyday life, the more extraordinary everything starts to become.There's nothing in life that is not special. I get up walk into a tiled bathroom (amazing work), use a toilet (yes!), run water out of a faucet (magical), and brush my teeth (wow, a toothbrush and yummy toothpaste)... Someone had to create all of these things I use regularly even though I may not typically give it much thought. How amazing it feels to appreciate their time and effort.Just think -- we are all ordinary humans yet also extraordinary. How thankful I am for that. A regular person can do incredible things! That's you! That's me! We can do extraordinary things. So whatever it is you are dreaming up, you can do it!Take a moment to breathe in the ordinary marvels around you. Whether it is this marvelous device you are reading off of this moment (it took many people to create it), or the beauty of the tree that stands nearby (never judging, just being), or the person next to you now (so special, just like you.)We are all unique individuals yet our essence, our being, is the same. Like snowflakes, each is marvelous in its own right, different and similar at the same time, and all are beautiful.