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Thanks for an amazing first episode of The MultiDimensional MD.

Thanks for an amazing first episode of The MultiDimensional MD.
If you missed the live broadcast, the recording is available and transcript will be available soon.
The topic was “The Emotional Link to Chronic Pain”
My guest Rachel Foody was a patient of mine a few years ago and healed from almost a decade of intense and debilitating pain that started in her teens
I wanted you to hear from someone who has been there
And come through it
If Rachel can do it, so can you!
Some highlights include:
1) Emotion and pain are intertwined
2) They activate some of the same centers in the brain
3) Pain is processed in the brain (yes it really is in your head!)
4) The brain is flexible! Yay! If you let it be
5) You can modulate your brains response to pain by addressing how you approach emotions
6) The heart can protect itself by forming a heart wall (this can be felt energetically and physically)
7) Having courage and curiosity and mindfulness can help lift the heart wall
8) First get checked by your physician or healthcare practitioner. If you would like further assistance in applying an integrative approach, go for it
9) There are also ways you can address emotion and pain on your own
There are so many good tidbits here and more in the video.
Wouldn’t it be great if all physicians and healthcare practitioners understood this perspective of pain?
This is not a new idea.
Also, in this era of opioid crisis, physicians are mandated to learn how to prescribe narcotics safely.
What if they also learned cost-effective ways to help modify the pain response by using our understanding of emotions and anatomy?
There is hope.
Please like, comment, and share the recording to anyone interested. I’ll place the link in bio.
Transcription will be available soon.
I would also be happy to share any studies or resources mentioned in the show.
I have so much hope to wake up medicine and raise the bar of health!
Lots of love,
Dr. Dijamco
PS - Thenext show is March 4th, 4pm EST with my guest Maria Alfaro, who is the lead trainer for Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE), the shaking revolution featured in Oprah Magazine and taught in over 40 countries