All Worlds Health

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The MultiDimensional MD, Ep. 2 - Shake it Off Naturally with Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE)

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In this episode, I had the honor to talk to Maria Alfaro, one of the few senior teacher-trainers for Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) and co-creator of Neurogenic Yoga. Maria trained me in TRE several years ago. She travels globally to train TRE practitioners, and we'll be talking about many of her stories.

If you would like to join for futhre live broadcasts of The MultiDimensional MD, tune in every other Wed at 4pm EST via Facebook (on UI Media or /allworldshealthandpediatrics),, Spreaker, or 99.1 FM in Atlanta, 101.2 in Kentucky and Ohio.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email beforehand. Or call 678-495-4345 around 4:45pm towards the end of the show and you can ask your question live (this is such a great feature!)

Lots of Love, Dr. Dijamco

PS -- If you haven't checked out my Instagram (@allworldshealth) or Facebook page, please do!

There's tons of great info in the posts there, including a recent one on "When Kids Whine" and "Vitamin D Food Sources."