Thinking “But who am I to do this?” is an obstacle that often gets in the way of pursuing your dreams
>> Thinking “But who am I to do this?” is an obstacle that often gets in the way of pursuing your dreams.
Who are you?
You are divine light. Born with gifts unique to you.
Part of your life’s mission is to share your special gifts with the world.
Your gifts are typically something you like to do
Something that’s fun for you and comes from the heart
In a loving way for you and others and the world
Your gifts can help people in some way
Whether creating happiness, adding beauty, or calming spirits
There’s a reason your dreams are calling you
Your dreams are waiting for you, too
To follow that calling
Despite the normal human thoughts that might protest “but who am I?”
Because now you can answer that question
>> “I am divine light”
>> “I can do anything”
Believe it.
Then go out and do your awesome thing.
I’m right there with you cheering you on!!!
Dr. Dijamco
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