All Worlds Health

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This is the message I woke up to on Mother’s Day morning, and I couldn’t agree more

This is the message I woke up to on Mother’s Day morning, and I couldn’t agree more. (The best messages really do come from Kindergarten!)
In a world that is often trying to tell you to be something else, this is a huge accomplishment
And has so much to do with health
Everyone wants to be seen and heard .
And loved for who they are
That all has to start with you
So the universe can follow your cue
Let the world know who you are!
Being yourself helps your body relax
Your breath ease
Your mind calm
And eases that tug-of-war feeling in your body when mind-body-spirit aren’t aligned
Does it take courage?
You bet, especially if you’re not used to it
But it gets easier with time
It took me awhile to grow into being myself
I grew up shy and unsure and still am in a way, but I don’t let that stop me
Usually we have to get out of our own way
Even we’re born knowing who we are
Sometimes we forget and then we might take a long looping path to eventually return home to ourselves
When your body acts up, it’s flagging you down, “Hey you! Relax, be you!”
It’s asking you to be authentic
To be vulnerable and honest
To feel and experience the flow
And radiance of life
>> How do you start? Great news! You’re already there so breathe into that. You’re exactly where you need to me. Really. It doesn’t mean it can’t change - that’s inevitable they things change.
So keep breathing in slow calm deep breaths and say, “I’m exactly where I need to BE” and if you want you can add, “and from here I can do anything!”
“Be yourself because when you are, you make powerful magic.”
Sending tons of love to you,
Dr. Dijamco
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