The MultiDimensional MD
Thank you for visiting our website to learn about me and All Worlds Health and Pediatrics. The practice represents so much of what I am all about, what I have learned, and how I believe patients should be treated – as partners worth listening to and working with to bring out their healthiest selves. To help you understand how we’re unique, I would like to share my story of how I got into integrative medicine.
I grew up in a family of conventional physicians who saw medicine as a noble calling. Going further back, my ancestors were both healers and farmers. From an early age, I was deeply interested in health, nature, and the connection between the two.
I am honored and excited to offer you all that I have learned. My goal is to help your family feel healthier, happier, and more complete. While I cannot predict what will happen, as each person, each issue, and each treatment is unique, I can promise that I’ll bring an open heart and open mind to everything I do.
Wishing you the very best,
Arlene Dijamco, MD, FAAP
During my undergraduate days at Harvard and medical school studies at Emory, I was schooled in the rigors of science. In many studies, some subjects would receive an active drug or therapy while others would get a “placebo,” an inert pill or other sham treatment. The two sets of subjects wouldn’t know the difference. Frequently, much to the surprise (and dismay) of researchers, the placebo had a positive effect. When it did – when, in too many cases, an inactive pill made people better just like an active medicine did – the researchers would be back to square one.
I thought the placebo effect was wonderful! How was it that a person’s health could improve seemingly all on its own? Could we harness this power to help people get better all by themselves? It was hard, if not impossible, to get good answers to these questions. Still, the placebo results made me believe, more than ever, that we could do so much more. I wanted not just to harness not just the placebo effect, but to learn more about how health works and how it can work better.
Introduction to All Worlds Health
My Philosophy of Medicine
I continued my training with a pediatric residency at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. It was another excellent institution, a place with plenty of lessons and great people. Still, something was missing. I yearned to learn more about things that I thought should essentials to healthy living – like nutrition and stress management – that hadn’t really come up at Harvard, Emory, or Albert Einstein. With the arduous hours and roller coaster of emotions you ride in an inner-city hospital, part of this quest was personal. To address my own stress, I gave yoga a try. Yoga reminded me how to breathe … easy, deep breaths that cleared the mind and connected me. During this time, I also came upon the writings of Dr. Andrew Weil – the Harvard-trained physician, author, and healthcare pioneer widely viewed as the father of integrative medicine. Aha! He was one of the first I came across who thought about the placebo effect the same way I did, believing in the vast potential of the human body, mind and spirit to help itself heal. While this perspective isn’t always common in mainstream medicine, it’s as old as medicine itself. In ancient Greece, Hippocrates said, “The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.”
While in New York, I explored the integrative medicine programs at Columbia University and New York University. After finishing my residency, I began a two-year integrative medicine fellowship based in Tucson, Arizona, that Dr. Weil founded and still helps run. Here, I found myself surrounded by open, like-minded physicians and integrative practitioners whose combined knowledge was like no other. Conventional medicine was invaluable, I knew. But so were the myriad ways that have been used for centuries, by people from all different cultures, to help people get and stay healthy. I learned so many new things, such as that omega-3’s can help reduce inflammation; access to nature can improve behavior; and healing touch can balance your energy. When I finished my fellowship, my therapeutic tool box had expanded exponentially. I’d been exposed to, and in many cases had hands-on practice in, different perspectives, techniques, and remedies that went well beyond surgery or a pharmaceutical drug. My desire to learn had grown significantly, too.
I was particularly intrigued with cranial osteopathy, discovering how a gentle treatment could do everything from straighten one’s smile to clear up ear infections to treat seizures. I began attending conferences run by The Osteopathic Cranial Academy and became friends with leaders in the field, eventually shadowing one particularly talented and well-schooled cranial osteopath, Dr. Richard Armond in Suwanee, GA. It helped, too, that this healing tool came naturally to me: My musical background and natural intuition were useful for the fine, perceptive skills needed to feel subtle rhythms that are fundamental to cranial osteopathy.
Around the same time, I was also introduced to the work of Edgar Cayce and the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.). Edgar Cayce was the most well-studied psychic of the 20th century. The A.R.E. archives over 10,000 readings he completed over a lifetime, many on health-related topics. Edgar Cayce was also a huge proponent of osteopathy and a mind-body-spirit approach. I’ve been fortunate to be able to incorporate many of the Edgar Cayce concepts into my own personal and professional life.
In 2020, just before the pandemic, I decided to answer a calling to speak more and share more about my experiences in medicine. So, The MultiDimensional MD video podcast was born. The next year, I also began writing a health column for Venture Inward, the members-only magazine for the A.R.E. Because of my work with the magazine, I was soon introduced to Corinne Cayce, an integral life coach and great-granddaughter of Edgar Cayce. Together, we launched a new podcast for parents Creating Calm: Parenting with Mind, Body, and Spirit, which can be accessed on all the main podcasting platforms.
What is Integrative Medicine?
More about my journey
The Dig On Series - Exploring Consciousness Through Osteopathy
Now, I’ve come full circle and decided to dive into teaching. I feel at this point, I can help more people by teaching others what I can see, hear, feel, and understand easily. We all have our natural gifs and unique experiences and can learn from each other. Each year, I dedicate some time to help teach the introductory course in cranial osteopath with the Osteopathic Cranial Academy.
In January 2023, a dream came to fruition that was even more than I could have imagined… ! A group of seasoned physicians came to my little office in Roswell, GA to join me for the first in a series of courses for physicians: The Dig On Series - Exploring Consciousness Through Osteopathy. It’s the culmination of my life’s work to help people access more depth and efficiency of healing.
This first course is the foundational course from which all others will stem off. It’s on Sensing and Releasing Emotional Shock… to help other physicians perceive and integrate the emotional body into healing. There is a Light in everyone that sometimes just needs to be unveiled. It can get covered up by the “dark clouds” of life, but like the sun that Light in you never goes out.
We get to FEEL that Light in these courses - because it’s one thing to understand something cognitively, and it’s another thing to Feel it. In The Dig On Series, we get to experience both.
It’s my dream that there could be more MultiDimensional physicians like this! Physicians that …
- approach healing from MultiDimensional perspectives,
- that can see the Light in you,
- and realize that we are all part of the Oneness.
This is MultiDimensional Medicine. I hope to help bring you the best of All Worlds… Let’s do this together!
With love,
Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD
Creating Calm: Parenting with Mind, Body, and Spirit (parenting podcast)
teaching with The Osteopathic Cranial Academy
Carrie Hamilton, MHC
Classical homeopath
Dacey Paul
Life essence coach
Brooke Kinder
TRE Tension & Trauma Release Exercises
Classical homeopath
Carrie grew up with Dr. Dijamco in the Atlanta area, hanging out at each others houses, trading funny stories, and sharing their dreams. One thing they had in common was a passion for helping others. Carrie’s journey included stops at American University, the University of North Carolina, and New York City. That’s where she began studying classical homeopathy in earnest, in addition to other healing arts like flower essences. It was only natural, then, that these two friends, Carrie and Dr. Dijamco, would work together to use their combined knowledge to make people feel healthier and happier.
While she calls North Carolina home, Carrie is a world traveler who often visits Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia) to learn more about natural healing wonders, including herbals, CBD, oils, and breathwork. She can help patients wherever she is and wherever they are by phone, email, or Skype. She also makes regular visits to our Roswell office. To be notified of her visits, sign up for our newsletter and/or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Life essence coach
Dacey is a naturally intuitive person with a big heart for people, plants, and animals. She is passionate about connecting people to their life essence and promoting healing of their mind, body, and spirit. Originally from California, she has been happily settled in Roswell, GA for many years now.
She is the creator of the Life Essence workshops and Foundations of Health 1:1 Coaching for Women to help you create balance in your life.
Dacey is a certified natural health professional from Trinity School of Natural Health and spiritual consultant in A Course in Miracles.
TRE Tension & Trauma Release Exercises – Instructor
Brooke was first introduced to TRE Tension and Trauma a Release Exercises when she attended a class hosted by Dr. Dijamco. Following her first TRE class Brooke felt benefits mentally and physically. She added these exercises to her weekly routine and after a few weeks she felt such tremendous benefits, that it led to a personal calling to become a provider for TRE.
Brooke is a lifelong trauma survivor. With her warm, outgoing personality, no one would have ever known she was struggling. For years she had sought out many different high quality care providers to help her with her physical pain. She was treated regularly by a Chiropractor, massage therapist, physical therapist, therapist, and even made changes to her nutrition. It wasn’t until she started reading about the effects of trauma on the brain & body that she started putting the pieces about her own story together. Once she added Tension/Trauma Release Exercises to her weekly health routine she felt she found the missing link for her journey.
The stress and trauma that she had experienced over her life caused hip, neck, jaw, and back pain, along with digestive problems. Without realizing it she lost movement of most of her facial muscles and expressions. Her body’s reaction to the stress in her life literally caused her face to become frozen. After two or three sessions of the TRE exercises, she started having movement in her face again. A thing she hadn’t even realized that she lost. Her life was forever changed, and she knew that this could be something that could help so many people even if their story was different than hers.
Brooke uses the TRE exercises several times a week and it has allowed her to finally open up about her trauma to family and friends for the first time. Before she would never have been able to talk about it much less share it on a website biography. The trauma of the event no longer has the same emotionally hold on her and she hopes that by sharing her story it could possibly help someone else.
Click below for more info on each member of our team
To empower people to feel good and bring peace, joy, and love to themselves and the world