Upcoming events

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) - workshop with Brooke Kinder
TRE with Brooke Kinder
I first met Brooke Kinder at one of my TRE Tension & Trauma Release workshops. She had such a profound experience that she decided to train as a TRE instructor herself and now teaches regularly at All Worlds Health.
It’s been a dream of mine to have more frequent TRE classes so that people could dive deeper into this amazing healing practice.
***If you'd like to talk to Brooke before signing up, just contact us via the form below or give us a call at 678-629-3988.***
Dr. Dijamco
TRE is a set of physical exercises that helps you access a natural relaxation and rebalancing response in the body.
In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...
The benefits of TRE include
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reducing Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Helping Muscle Repair after Workouts
Improved Marital Relationships
Greater Emotional Resilience
Increased Flexibility
Better Sleep
Digestive Issues
Healing of Old Injuries
Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
Class sizes are currently limited to 8 people. The cost of this TRE workshop with Brooke Kinder is $65 per person. Fill out the form below or call 678-629-3988 to sign up.

The Art of Dowsing (Energy Testing)—with Dacey Paul
Did you know that you can use your body as a compass? Your body has an innate wisdom, since you are by nature body, mind, and spirit.
You can learn to access your body’s wisdom.
Dowsing is an old term, meaning to tune into subtle energies in order to access information.
In this class, you will get in-person training on four ways to access your body’s wisdom:
Using your body as a pendulum
Tuning into your body’s subtle energy field
Using your body’s senses and physiology
Feeling your heart field
These are described on pages 70-71 Dr. Dijamco’s book, I AM Intuitive: A MultiDimensional Guide to Embrace Your Inner Light.
This class will be taught by Dacey Paul who is a trained naturopath. She has worked closely with Dr. Arlene Dijamco for many years now and is delighted to share what she has learned.

Neuro-Endocrine-Lymphatic Points
What are neuro-endocrine-lymphatic points?
Neuro-endocrine-lymphatic points, or NEL points for short, are congested areas at nerve endings associated with the lymphatic system.
Addressing these areas can help lymphatic clearance of larger areas.
Our lymph system is important for many reasons, including draining inflammation as well as supplying important elements for the body to rebuild itself.
Why is it useful to learn about NEL points?
NEL points can be helpful to
Decrease inflammation
Improve detoxification
Balance circulation
Ease tension
Improve overall flow in the body
Who is this course for?
Medical professionals, including physicians and nurses
Body workers, including physical therapists and massage therapists
Yoga teachers and energy workers
Anyone with a strong interest to learn how to create more flow in the body, decrease inflammation, improve detoxification, ease tension, and balance circulation
What will you learn?
The anatomical and physiological background to NEL points
Understanding the related emotional aspects
How to perceive NEL points on yourself and others
How to release any “congestion” associated with specific NEL points
Sample self-maintenance exercise routines using NEL points
This class will be in-person with at least 1:6 participant to faculty ratio.
Lunch is included.
Early-bird registration until January 25th. Register soon to reserve your spot!

The Art of Dowsing (Energy Testing)—with Dacey Paul
Did you know that you can use your body as a compass? Your body has an innate wisdom, since you are by nature body, mind, and spirit.
You can learn to access your body’s wisdom.
Dowsing is an old term, meaning to tune into subtle energies in order to access information.
In this class, you will get in-person training on four ways to access your body’s wisdom:
Using your body as a pendulum
Tuning into your body’s subtle energy field
Using your body’s senses and physiology
Feeling your heart field
These are described on pages 70-71 Dr. Dijamco’s book, I AM Intuitive: A MultiDimensional Guide to Embrace Your Inner Light.
This class will be taught by Dacey Paul who is a trained naturopath. She has worked closely with Dr. Arlene Dijamco for many years now and is delighted to share what she has learned.

How to Read Your Astrology Chart - with the legendary Maxine Taylor

What do the stars have to do about it?
Understanding your astrology chart helps you understand the inner-workings of yourself. This isn't about fate or luck. Nothing is set in stone. The more you know about yourself, the more you can choose your life's direction, guided with love and compassion for yourself and others. See how the stars help you access that bright light within you.
...are curious about astrology
....hope to understand your hidden gifts
...would like to develop your strengths
...desire to access your inner light
Maxine is an internationally-renowned astrologer with over 50 years of experience. Click here to watch this fun segment with her on Scripps News.
Changing the Law and Making History
In 1969, Maxine decided to pursue astrology as a career, but it was considered fortune telling in Georgia. “Since astrology is not fortune telling,” she notes, “I wanted to distinguish it legally and give it dignity. So I met with the Cobb County Commissioners, who granted me the first license to practice astrology in the State of Georgia.” As a result of her pursuit to legalize astrology, Maxine became America’s first licensed astrologer.
Read the humorous article, Tired County Commissioners Finally 'See Stars'
Subsequently, Maxine had a bill introduced into the Georgia General Assembly to legalize astrology in the City of Atlanta. In 1970, the bill was passed and signed into law by then-Governor Lester Maddox. This historic event made Atlanta the first city in the country to license the practice of astrology.
On-air astrologer
Maxine appeared regularly on CNN as its on-air astrologer for the first two years after the cable news network’s inaugural debut. She was subsequently interviewed as a guest on The Larry King Show and featured on all the major networks at the time.
Watch one of Maxine's Appearances on CNN
Helping whole countries
Due to Maxine’s international recognition, the nation of Hungary contacted her shortly after the fall of its communist regime in 1989 and asked her to do a forecast for the country. This extraordinary reading was broadcast live over Hungary’s only radio station in Budapest and then published in the country’s leading newspaper.
Did you know that we are made out of the same elements as the stars? All living beings on earth are! Remember the acronym CHNOPS, which stands for Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur. We are living stardust
Humans have studied the stars since the beginning of recorded history. Both scientists and philosophers have taken an interest in astrology, including Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, the "wise men."
Date: Sat., December 14th, 2024, 10am - 4pm
Location: All Worlds Health with in-person and virtual options
Cost: $495 per person, which includes snacks and lunch
Register soon as space is limited to allow for 1:1 feedback.
There are both in-person and virtual options with 8-10 in-person spots and 8-10 virtual spots total.
Questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you!
You don't have to be a patient to participate. Sign up soon to reserve your spot.

Marietta, GA — Book Signing at Heart, Soul & Art
Thank you Heart, Soul & Art and Sharron Raggan for hosting a book signing for, I AM Intuitive: A MultiDimensional Guide to Embrace Your Inner Light.
I am happy and honored to be signing books with an inscription just for you or loved one. These make great gifts year round!
As a bonus, I also keep my own copy for everyone to sign after they’ve signed my book - like a keepsake year book.
Here’s a little bit more about the book:
Know yourself and express the love that you are.
Are you ready to feel free and flow through life with purpose and clarity? Created by integrative physician Dr. Arlene Dijamco, this groundbreaking resource can help you light up from the inside out to live life as the full expression of who you are.
Every part of you has meaning — from how you feel and what you notice to what you think, say, and do. By learning to interpret the various aspects of yourself, you will learn how to tap into your own navigation system.
Need direction? You’ve got it. Inspiration during difficult times? It’s within you. Looking for company? Start by befriending yourself. After all, you’re an infinite being with unlimited potential. This book will shed light on the truth of your multidimensional and loving nature. Sit with the pages often because there’s so much here to embrace, process, and explore as you deepen your self-understanding.
Filled with
real-life patient stories
practical exercises
concise charts
feel-good clarity, and
intuitive know-how
I AM Intuitive will help you access your own inner compass — body, mind, and spirit.
PRAISE from Dr. Low Dog
The journey inward is reflected in all aspects of your life. It takes courage to meet yourself. As you do, you will rediscover the brilliance of your own light, for you are a light warrior. Dr. Dijamco deeply understands these concepts—the inner workings of what makes us human—and weaves simple practices that you can incorporate into your own life quests. She has a warmth and compassion that’s been evident since meeting her years ago at Dr. Andrew Weil’s Integrative Medicine Fellowship at the University of Arizona. This book is for truth-seekers, empaths and anyone with the desire to know themselves.
Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, empathic healer, integrative physician, author of Life is Best Your Best Medicine

Plymouth, MA— Book Signing at Book Love, Pine Hills Village
Thank you Book Love for hosting the FIRST bookstore book signing for, I AM Intuitive: A MultiDimensional Guide to Embrace Your Inner Light. What an appropriately named book store for this book!
I’ll be giving a brief talk at the beginning with book signing afterwards.
I am happy and honored to be signing books with an inscription just for you or loved one. These make great gifts year round!
As a bonus, I also keep my own copy for everyone to sign after they’ve signed my book - like a keepsake year book.
Here’s a little bit more about the book:
Know yourself and express the love that you are.
Are you ready to feel free and flow through life with purpose and clarity? Created by integrative physician Dr. Arlene Dijamco, this groundbreaking resource can help you light up from the inside out to live life as the full expression of who you are.
Every part of you has meaning — from how you feel and what you notice to what you think, say, and do. By learning to interpret the various aspects of yourself, you will learn how to tap into your own navigation system.
Need direction? You’ve got it. Inspiration during difficult times? It’s within you. Looking for company? Start by befriending yourself. After all, you’re an infinite being with unlimited potential. This book will shed light on the truth of your multidimensional and loving nature. Sit with the pages often because there’s so much here to embrace, process, and explore as you deepen your self-understanding.
Filled with
real-life patient stories
practical exercises
concise charts
feel-good clarity, and
intuitive know-how
I AM Intuitive will help you access your own inner compass — body, mind, and spirit.
PRAISE from Dr. Low Dog
The journey inward is reflected in all aspects of your life. It takes courage to meet yourself. As you do, you will rediscover the brilliance of your own light, for you are a light warrior. Dr. Dijamco deeply understands these concepts—the inner workings of what makes us human—and weaves simple practices that you can incorporate into your own life quests. She has a warmth and compassion that’s been evident since meeting her years ago at Dr. Andrew Weil’s Integrative Medicine Fellowship at the University of Arizona. This book is for truth-seekers, empaths and anyone with the desire to know themselves.
Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, empathic healer, integrative physician, author of Life is Best Your Best Medicine

Marietta, GA — Book Signing at Heart, Soul & Art
Thank you Heart, Soul & Art and Sharron Raggan for hosting a book signing for, I AM Intuitive: A MultiDimensional Guide to Embrace Your Inner Light.
I am happy and honored to be signing books with an inscription just for you or loved one. These make great gifts year round!
As a bonus, I also keep my own copy for everyone to sign after they’ve signed my book - like a keepsake year book.
Here’s a little bit more about the book:
Know yourself and express the love that you are.
Are you ready to feel free and flow through life with purpose and clarity? Created by integrative physician Dr. Arlene Dijamco, this groundbreaking resource can help you light up from the inside out to live life as the full expression of who you are.
Every part of you has meaning — from how you feel and what you notice to what you think, say, and do. By learning to interpret the various aspects of yourself, you will learn how to tap into your own navigation system.
Need direction? You’ve got it. Inspiration during difficult times? It’s within you. Looking for company? Start by befriending yourself. After all, you’re an infinite being with unlimited potential. This book will shed light on the truth of your multidimensional and loving nature. Sit with the pages often because there’s so much here to embrace, process, and explore as you deepen your self-understanding.
Filled with
real-life patient stories
practical exercises
concise charts
feel-good clarity, and
intuitive know-how
I AM Intuitive will help you access your own inner compass — body, mind, and spirit.
PRAISE from Dr. Low Dog
The journey inward is reflected in all aspects of your life. It takes courage to meet yourself. As you do, you will rediscover the brilliance of your own light, for you are a light warrior. Dr. Dijamco deeply understands these concepts—the inner workings of what makes us human—and weaves simple practices that you can incorporate into your own life quests. She has a warmth and compassion that’s been evident since meeting her years ago at Dr. Andrew Weil’s Integrative Medicine Fellowship at the University of Arizona. This book is for truth-seekers, empaths and anyone with the desire to know themselves.
Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, empathic healer, integrative physician, author of Life is Best Your Best Medicine

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) - workshop with Brooke Kinder
TRE with Brooke Kinder
I first met Brooke Kinder at one of my TRE Tension & Trauma Release workshops. She had such a profound experience that she decided to train as a TRE instructor herself and now teaches regularly at All Worlds Health.
It’s been a dream of mine to have more frequent TRE classes so that people could dive deeper into this amazing healing practice.
***If you'd like to talk to Brooke before signing up, just contact us via the form below or give us a call at 678-629-3988.***
Dr. Dijamco
TRE is a set of physical exercises that helps you access a natural relaxation and rebalancing response in the body.
In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...
The benefits of TRE include
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reducing Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Helping Muscle Repair after Workouts
Improved Marital Relationships
Greater Emotional Resilience
Increased Flexibility
Better Sleep
Digestive Issues
Healing of Old Injuries
Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
Class sizes are currently limited to 8 people. The cost of this TRE workshop with Brooke Kinder is $65 per person. Fill out the form below or call 678-629-3988 to sign up.

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) - workshop with Brooke Kinder
TRE with Brooke Kinder
I first met Brooke Kinder at one of my TRE Tension & Trauma Release workshops. She had such a profound experience that she decided to train as a TRE instructor herself and now teaches regularly at All Worlds Health.
It’s been a dream of mine to have more frequent TRE classes so that people could dive deeper into this amazing healing practice.
***If you'd like to talk to Brooke before signing up, just contact us via the form below or give us a call at 678-629-3988.***
Dr. Dijamco
TRE is a set of physical exercises that helps you access a natural relaxation and rebalancing response in the body.
In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...
The benefits of TRE include
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reducing Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Helping Muscle Repair after Workouts
Improved Marital Relationships
Greater Emotional Resilience
Increased Flexibility
Better Sleep
Digestive Issues
Healing of Old Injuries
Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
Class sizes are currently limited to 8 people. The cost of this TRE workshop with Brooke Kinder is $65 per person. Fill out the form below or call 678-629-3988 to sign up.

Book Signing - I AM Intuitive
Come Celebrate With Me!
The very first book signing event will be held at All Worlds Health, the birth place of the book.
How will we celebrate? In a MultiDimensional Way with
- a brief mediation
- music
- book reading
- background on how I wrote my book
- tea sampling
- light snacks
- expecting miracles (because we all are one)
This event is open to the public.
Date: Sat., Sept. 28, 2-4pm, (immediately following the School of Stillness Space Clearing workshop)
Location: All Worlds Health
RSVP: Please RSVP using the form below so we can get an approximate head count
Lots of love,
Dr. Arlene Dijamco

Space Clearing: Reclaim Your Body, Rejuvenate Your Home, Reconnect with the Land
Space Clearing the MultiDimensional Way:
- Reclaim Your Body,
- Rejuvenate Your Home,
- Reconnect with the Land
Why this class? Occasionally, I've gone into people's homes to help rejuvenate the energy in their homes, especially after a major life transition such as a move, marriage, divorce, or death. Perhaps, the energies were off or they just didn't feel settled or cozy.
Other times, people have felt off themselves, feeling like they are too affected by the world, taking on external energies.
With School of Stillness, I'm going to pass on what I know so that you can do this for yourselves and perhaps learn ways to maintain your own energies as well. If I teach you, the ripple effect will be even greater than if I did it myself. After all, learning something new for yourself is the gift that keeps on giving.
I've walked people through this process before, and the effects have been profound, ranging from sighs of relief to expanded heart openings, perspectives, and clarity.
In this workshop, you'll learn how to
- identify if you've soaked up external energies
- reclaim your body as your own
- identify stagnant energies in your home
- rejuvenate those areas so that your home feels more cohesive
- identify if the land you live on needs help
- reconnect with the land so the land feels more harmonious and so do you
This workshop will be limited to 8-10 people to allow for 1:1 feedback.
Date: Sat., Sept. 28th, 9am-2pm
Location: All Worlds Health
Cost: $495 per person, which includes lunch
If you would like to join, SIGN UP BY CLICKING HERE. You don't have to be a patient to participate. Sign.up soon to reserve your spot.

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) - workshop with Brooke Kinder
TRE with Brooke Kinder
I first met Brooke Kinder at one of my TRE Tension & Trauma Release workshops. She had such a profound experience that she decided to train as a TRE instructor herself and now teaches regularly at All Worlds Health.
It’s been a dream of mine to have more frequent TRE classes so that people could dive deeper into this amazing healing practice.
***If you'd like to talk to Brooke before signing up, just contact us via the form below or give us a call at 678-629-3988.***
Dr. Dijamco
TRE is a set of physical exercises that helps you access a natural relaxation and rebalancing response in the body.
In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...
The benefits of TRE include
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reducing Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Helping Muscle Repair after Workouts
Improved Marital Relationships
Greater Emotional Resilience
Increased Flexibility
Better Sleep
Digestive Issues
Healing of Old Injuries
Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
Class sizes are currently limited to 8 people. The cost of this TRE workshop with Brooke Kinder is $65 per person. Fill out the form below or call 678-629-3988 to sign up.

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) - workshop with Brooke Kinder
TRE with Brooke Kinder
I first met Brooke Kinder at one of my TRE Tension & Trauma Release workshops. She had such a profound experience that she decided to train as a TRE instructor herself and now teaches regularly at All Worlds Health.
It’s been a dream of mine to have more frequent TRE classes so that people could dive deeper into this amazing healing practice.
***If you'd like to talk to Brooke before signing up, just contact us via the form below or give us a call at 678-629-3988.***
Dr. Dijamco
TRE is a set of physical exercises that helps you access a natural relaxation and rebalancing response in the body.
In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...
The benefits of TRE include
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reducing Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Helping Muscle Repair after Workouts
Improved Marital Relationships
Greater Emotional Resilience
Increased Flexibility
Better Sleep
Digestive Issues
Healing of Old Injuries
Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
Class sizes are currently limited to 8 people. The cost of this TRE workshop with Brooke Kinder is $65 per person. Fill out the form below or call 678-629-3988 to sign up.

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) - workshop with Brooke Kinder (Copy) (Copy) (Copy) (Copy)
TRE with Brooke Kinder
I first met Brooke Kinder at one of my TRE Tension & Trauma Release workshops. She had such a profound experience that she decided to train as a TRE instructor herself and now teaches regularly at All Worlds Health.
It’s been a dream of mine to have more frequent TRE classes so that people could dive deeper into this amazing healing practice.
***If you'd like to talk to Brooke before signing up, just contact us via the form below or give us a call at 678-629-3988.***
Dr. Dijamco
TRE is a set of physical exercises that helps you access a natural relaxation and rebalancing response in the body.
In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...
The benefits of TRE include
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reducing Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Helping Muscle Repair after Workouts
Improved Marital Relationships
Greater Emotional Resilience
Increased Flexibility
Better Sleep
Digestive Issues
Healing of Old Injuries
Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
Class sizes are currently limited to 8 people. The cost of this TRE workshop with Brooke Kinder is $65 per person. Fill out the form below or call 678-629-3988 to sign up.

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) - workshop with Brooke Kinder
TRE with Brooke Kinder
I first met Brooke Kinder at one of my TRE Tension & Trauma Release workshops. She had such a profound experience that she decided to train as a TRE instructor herself and now teaches regularly at All Worlds Health.
It’s been a dream of mine to have more frequent TRE classes so that people could dive deeper into this amazing healing practice.
***If you'd like to talk to Brooke before signing up, just contact us via the form below or give us a call at 678-629-3988.***
Dr. Dijamco
TRE is a set of physical exercises that helps you access a natural relaxation and rebalancing response in the body.
In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...
The benefits of TRE include
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reducing Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Helping Muscle Repair after Workouts
Improved Marital Relationships
Greater Emotional Resilience
Increased Flexibility
Better Sleep
Digestive Issues
Healing of Old Injuries
Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
Class sizes are currently limited to 8 people. The cost of this TRE workshop with Brooke Kinder is $65 per person. Fill out the form below or call 678-629-3988 to sign up.

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) - workshop with Brooke Kinder
TRE with Brooke Kinder
I first met Brooke Kinder at one of my TRE Tension & Trauma Release workshops. She had such a profound experience that she decided to train as a TRE instructor herself and now teaches regularly at All Worlds Health.
It’s been a dream of mine to have more frequent TRE classes so that people could dive deeper into this amazing healing practice.
***If you'd like to talk to Brooke before signing up, just contact us via the form below or give us a call at 678-629-3988.***
Dr. Dijamco
TRE is a set of physical exercises that helps you access a natural relaxation and rebalancing response in the body.
In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...
The benefits of TRE include
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reducing Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Helping Muscle Repair after Workouts
Improved Marital Relationships
Greater Emotional Resilience
Increased Flexibility
Better Sleep
Digestive Issues
Healing of Old Injuries
Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
Class sizes are currently limited to 8 people. The cost of this TRE workshop with Brooke Kinder is $65 per person. Fill out the form below or call 678-629-3988 to sign up.

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) - workshop with Brooke Kinder (Copy)
TRE with Brooke Kinder
I first met Brooke Kinder at one of my TRE Tension & Trauma Release workshops. She had such a profound experience that she decided to train as a TRE instructor herself and now teaches regularly at All Worlds Health.
It’s been a dream of mine to have more frequent TRE classes so that people could dive deeper into this amazing healing practice.
***If you'd like to talk to Brooke before signing up, just contact us via the form below or give us a call at 678-629-3988.***
Dr. Dijamco
TRE is a set of physical exercises that helps you access a natural relaxation and rebalancing response in the body.
In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...
The benefits of TRE include
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reducing Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Helping Muscle Repair after Workouts
Improved Marital Relationships
Greater Emotional Resilience
Increased Flexibility
Better Sleep
Digestive Issues
Healing of Old Injuries
Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
Class sizes are currently limited to 8 people. The cost of this TRE workshop with Brooke Kinder is $65 per person. Fill out the form below or call 678-629-3988 to sign up.

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) - workshop with Brooke Kinder
TRE with Brooke Kinder
I first met Brooke Kinder at one of my TRE Tension & Trauma Release workshops. She had such a profound experience that she decided to train as a TRE instructor herself and now teaches regularly at All Worlds Health.
It’s been a dream of mine to have more frequent TRE classes so that people could dive deeper into this amazing healing practice.
***If you'd like to talk to Brooke before signing up, just contact us via the form below or give us a call at 678-629-3988.***
Dr. Dijamco
TRE is a set of physical exercises that helps you access a natural relaxation and rebalancing response in the body.
In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...
The benefits of TRE include
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reducing Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Helping Muscle Repair after Workouts
Improved Marital Relationships
Greater Emotional Resilience
Increased Flexibility
Better Sleep
Digestive Issues
Healing of Old Injuries
Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
Class sizes are currently limited to 8 people. The cost of this TRE workshop with Brooke Kinder is $65 per person. Fill out the form below or call 678-629-3988 to sign up.

Sensing & Releasing Emotional Shock - Part 1
Arlene Dijamco, MD and James Gaydos, DO
FOR: Cranial Osteopaths
Both conscious and subconscious patterns of emotional trauma can be felt in the body's tissues as structural associations. Stuck or unprocessed emotional and thought patterns contribute to both acute and chronic somatic and visceral dysfunctions.
Classically, osteopaths are taught to perceive the various strain patterns in bone, fluid, and membrane. This course will expand on those dimensions by helping you perceive the emotional layers directly and integrate them into the osteopathic treatment.
When appropriate, the stuck emotional and thought patterns can also be brought to the surface with “patient collaboration,” providing a fulcrum of sorts to aid in the release of the somatic, visceral, emotional, and thought disturbances.
By addressing these additional layers in our work, we can both speed up the treatment process as well as help patients access a greater depth of healing.
Go to thedigonseries.com to SIGN UP!

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) - workshop with Brooke Kinder
TRE with Brooke Kinder
I first met Brooke Kinder at one of my TRE Tension & Trauma Release workshops. She had such a profound experience that she decided to train as a TRE instructor herself and now teaches regularly at All Worlds Health.
It’s been a dream of mine to have more frequent TRE classes so that people could dive deeper into this amazing healing practice.
***If you'd like to talk to Brooke before signing up, just contact us via the form below or give us a call at 678-629-3988.***
Dr. Dijamco
TRE is a set of physical exercises that helps you access a natural relaxation and rebalancing response in the body.
In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...
The benefits of TRE include
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reducing Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Helping Muscle Repair after Workouts
Improved Marital Relationships
Greater Emotional Resilience
Increased Flexibility
Better Sleep
Digestive Issues
Healing of Old Injuries
Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
Class sizes are currently limited to 8 people. The cost of this TRE workshop with Brooke Kinder is $65 per person. Fill out the form below or call 678-629-3988 to sign up.

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) - workshop with Brooke Kinder (Copy)
TRE with Brooke Kinder
I first met Brooke Kinder at one of my TRE Tension & Trauma Release workshops. She had such a profound experience that she decided to train as a TRE instructor herself and now teaches regularly at All Worlds Health.
It’s been a dream of mine to have more frequent TRE classes so that people could dive deeper into this amazing healing practice.
***If you'd like to talk to Brooke before signing up, just contact us via the form below or give us a call at 678-629-3988.***
Dr. Dijamco
TRE is a set of physical exercises that helps you access a natural relaxation and rebalancing response in the body.
In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...
The benefits of TRE include
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reducing Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Helping Muscle Repair after Workouts
Improved Marital Relationships
Greater Emotional Resilience
Increased Flexibility
Better Sleep
Digestive Issues
Healing of Old Injuries
Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
Class sizes are currently limited to 8 people. The cost of this TRE workshop with Brooke Kinder is $65 per person. Fill out the form below or call 678-629-3988 to sign up.

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) - workshop with Brooke Kinder
TRE with Brooke Kinder
I first met Brooke Kinder at one of my TRE Tension & Trauma Release workshops. She had such a profound experience that she decided to train as a TRE instructor herself and now teaches regularly at All Worlds Health.
It’s been a dream of mine to have more frequent TRE classes so that people could dive deeper into this amazing healing practice.
***If you'd like to talk to Brooke before signing up, just contact us via the form below or give us a call at 678-629-3988.***
Dr. Dijamco
TRE is a set of physical exercises that helps you access a natural relaxation and rebalancing response in the body.
In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...
The benefits of TRE include
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reducing Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Helping Muscle Repair after Workouts
Improved Marital Relationships
Greater Emotional Resilience
Increased Flexibility
Better Sleep
Digestive Issues
Healing of Old Injuries
Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
Class sizes are currently limited to 8 people. The cost of this TRE workshop with Brooke Kinder is $65 per person. Fill out the form below or call 678-629-3988 to sign up.

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) - workshop with Dr. Dijamco
I am so happy to be teaching this class again after many months. Tension and Trauma Release Exercises are set of physical exercises that helps you access a relaxation response in the body.
In this special workshop, I'll also be incorporating some flower essences into your experience, as well as checking on everyone in person.
The benefits of TRE include
· Less Worry & Anxiety
· Reduces Symptoms of PTSD
· More Energy & Endurance
· Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
· Helps Muscle Repair after Workouts
· Improved Marital Relationships
· Greater Emotional Resiliency
· Increased Flexibility
· Better Sleep
· Digestive Issues
· Healing of Old Injuries
· Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
After the class, you’ll have a lifelong tool to help you feel better. If you feel comfortable, you can choose to continue TRE on your own, or sign up for another class in the future.
Class sizes are currently limited to 8 people, ages 14+. The cost of the class is $100 per person. Please contact us via the Contact form or call 678-629-3988 to sign up.

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) - VIRTUAL workshop with Dr. Dijamco
I am so happy to be teaching this class again after many months. Tension and Trauma Release Exercises are set of physical exercises that helps you access a relaxation response in the body.
In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...
The benefits of TRE include
· Less Worry & Anxiety
· Reduces Symptoms of PTSD
· More Energy & Endurance
· Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
· Helps Muscle Repair after Workouts
· Improved Marital Relationships
· Greater Emotional Resiliency
· Increased Flexibility
· Better Sleep
· Digestive Issues
· Healing of Old Injuries
· Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
After the class, you’ll have a lifelong tool to help you feel better. If you feel comfortable, you can choose to continue TRE on your own, or sign up for another class in the future.
Class sizes are currently limited to 8 people, ages 14+. (For children under 14 years-old, contact us to schedule a private family workshop.) The cost of the class is $100 per person. Please contact us via the Contact form or call 678-629-3988 to sign up.

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) - workshop with Dr. Dijamco
I am so happy to be teaching this class again after many months. Tension and Trauma Release Exercises are set of physical exercises that helps you access a relaxation response in the body.
In this special workshop, I'll also be incorporating some flower essences into your experience, as well as checking on everyone in person.
The benefits of TRE include
· Less Worry & Anxiety
· Reduces Symptoms of PTSD
· More Energy & Endurance
· Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
· Helps Muscle Repair after Workouts
· Improved Marital Relationships
· Greater Emotional Resiliency
· Increased Flexibility
· Better Sleep
· Digestive Issues
· Healing of Old Injuries
· Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
After the class, you’ll have a lifelong tool to help you feel better. If you feel comfortable, you can choose to continue TRE on your own, or sign up for another class in the future.
Class sizes are currently limited to 8 people, ages 14+. The cost of the class is $100 per person. Please contact us via the Contact form or call 678-629-3988 to sign up.

Sensing & Releasing Emotional Shock - Part 1
Whether you're a medical student or seasoned cranial osteopath, there's one thing that everyone desires -- to help people access deeper healing. Sometimes, we get stuck in this idea that healing has to be hard and take a long time. It might, it might not. There is a possibility of speeding up your treatments. The key is connecting with the Stillness. We talk about the Stillness a lot in osteopathy. However, it's one thing to have a cognitive understanding of it, it's another to feel that connection to the Stillness. In doing so, you can feel more relaxed, more free, more innovative... your treatments tend to be faster, have more depth, and you can help more people.