Trust in the universe, the divine, to the end and back

You are exactly where you need to be, although it may not always feel like that.

It’s impossible to have the full grand perspective of things

However, you can trust that life is unfolding as it needs to

Then why does it hurt sometimes?

It’s because you love

Because you love yourself and others

And perhaps you are learning to love yourself even more

It’s a constant learning of stepping into your own magnificence

If you fully embraced it, then there would be less worry

You would trust in your own divine light that is part of the universal oneness

And then there would be no need to worry

You would know each moment is part of the journey

And you will arrive at your destination the moment you realize that you are already there

There was no need to look

For what was already within

Lots of love,
Dr. Dijamco

PS - I’m right there with you



Love makes the world go ‘round 💖


TRE has been taught in 40 countries and was featured in Oprah Magazine last year