How are we already at summer’s end?

How are we already at summer’s end?
The passing of time takes on a whole new meaning in 2020.
It’s slow and fast all at once.
Isn’t that strange?
How could both be true?
There are so many paradoxes to our human existence.
Like sometimes we can think one way - “I’m totally fine, got it all together, because I have so much to be grateful for.”
Yet also feel another - “But I’m also overwhelmed, constantly anxious, and at a loss.”
Which one is true?
They both can be!
Because we are MultiDimensional beings.
It’s great to be able to see the big picture of what you’re grateful for
But you also can’t always help how you feel.
Can you embrace all parts?
It’s the only way to feel whole.
To love all if you, even the parts that feel “less than” or “struggling”
To love those parts that need a big hug and tending to
And also be grateful anyway
That way you’re being honest
Not hiding from yourself
Embracing the whole
And from there choosing what direction to step in
Constantly taking steps towards what you’re grateful for
So to sum it up in 3 steps:
1) Embrace all of you
2) Set the compass to point towards love and gratitude (true north)
3) Take steps towards your true north
Voila! This is how the magic happens. Because the magic is you.
💕Dr. Dijamco
PS - This Wed 4pm EST livestream on YouTube is on 💫“Bringing Spirit Back to Medicine, 11 Ways to Tend to Your Spirit”- Ep 16 of The MultiDimensional MD - 👉link in profile, or search Arlene Dijamco in YouTube
#loveyourself #loveheals #believe #bethemagic #bethelove #gratitude #truenorth #integrativemedicine #cranialosteopathy #mindbodyspirit


I'm a good kind of tired... having spent the today doing things that makes my heart sing!


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