I’ve been getting questions about the corona virus and as always, I like to take a MultiDimensional approach, because there’s so much more than hand washing!

  • I’ve been getting questions about the corona virus and as always, I like to take a MultiDimensional approach, because there’s so much more than hand washing! Yes, of course wash hands x 20 seconds, but WHAT ELSE?

    There are many proven ways to help boost your immune system, decreasing your chances of getting sick. These include the following:
    1. Eat well - mostly veggies esp greens, some fruits, some good fats and clean proteins, low to moderate alcohol, low sugar, avoid unnecessary chemicals, plenty of water
    2. Get enough sleep! Oh so many of us are notorious for skimping on this one. But sleep helps your physiology and mood big time (including balancing cortisol and insulin levels).
    3. Move your body - go for a brisk walk, run, yoga, tai chi, Pilates, or dance, just get moving!
    4. Meditate - Start with 5 min a day and work up to 20min. You could bring your awareness to your breathing. Or use a mantra “I am love.” Or listen to guidance. Or make it a two-way conversation with praying and listening. And let go = trust
    5. Sing! The cells in your body love the sound of you singing. It’s true! Sing in the car, in the shower, or with a group. Whatever suits you.
    6. Laugh often - how could I not include this after being on a show with the laughing yogi? It’s no joke that laughter releases tension, stress, and helps your whole body and being feel better
    7. Have compassion - being or even just feeling kind and understanding helps you boost salivary IgA levels by 50% in just 5 minutes. On the same note, watching acts of kindness can have a similar effect.
    8. Love yourself - love, love, and infinite love. Love yourself so much that you use the self-care outlined above, and so much that even if you fall off the bandwagon you can get yourself back up again no biggie.
    These are great reminders for me and you. And maybe it can help lift some fears, because the fear itself is creating more stress (and weakening immune systems) than the corona virus itself.
    Empower yourself with these cost-effective ways to strengthen your immunity.
    Love you tons,
    Dr. Dijamco

    PS - Yes, we can talk about supplements, but get going with the freebies above first!
  • allworldshealth#integrativemedicine #integrativepediatrics #holistic #holistichealth #coronavirus #flu #immunebooster #prevention #themultidimensionalmd #arlenedijamcomd 🙏❤️


Immune-Boosting Foods


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