Life As Your Guide and the Rule of Three

The universe is here to support you. At times, it may not be easy to remember that. One day, I woke up and decided to start listening to the messages in my life, from the mundane happenings to the big events. I decided that if I was blocked from whatever I was doing three times, then I would pause and shift perspectives. It could be a slight shift in perspective, or it could be to turn in another direction completely.When I started approaching life like this -- that my life was actually guiding me -- things started to become more meaningful. Not just the big things, but the little things, too. Maybe I'm trying to get some work done on the computer and the internet keeps going out. I might take that as a gentle nudge to do something fun with the kids or take the dog for a walk. Everything has a time and place. When I get back to my computer, things will tend to be much more efficient and miraculously the internet is back on.

So, if something doesn't seem to be "working out as planned," I'll stop and take note. Maybe I'll meditate or pray and ask for guidance. When we moved from Massachusetts to Georgia, my husband had just been laid off from an unnecessarily stressful job. Just two days before he was laid off, I had given notice to a wonderful general pediatric practice I was working in because I wanted to do something different. I was six months pregnant at the time, already had two kids at home, and now no income. Many people asked me if I wished that I knew my husband was getting laid off before I gave my notice. And my answer has always been the same -- no way, because I'm not sure I would have had the courage to leave if it had happened in reverse. Even though it was a stressful time, I am so thankful because it gave me the courage to start my own thriving integrative medicine practice. Embracing the flow of life helped me live out my dream.Life starts to flow more easily when you actually listen to its constant guidance. You tend to need fewer bricks falling from the sky to get your attention. So next time you get rejected or stuck? No biggie. What's your life trying to tell you? It could be to be persistent and tweak your approach. It could be you need to turn your attention elsewhere. Taking a step in a new direction that could help you might be scary, but it could also be just what you need carry out your dreams.Love,Dr. Arlene Dijamco

Before and After Photos I don't often get a chance to gather before and after photos, but here's a doozy!


Great healthy foodie find! “Conscious choices for our bodies and minds.”