Life Essence Workshops with Dacey Paul Foshaug

Introducing the amazing Dacey Paul Foshaug and her new Life Essence Workshops. Hear more of her story in the video, including some intuitive life experiences. The first workshop will be on Sat., Jan. 12th at 9:30am, 1-hour class, $25 per person. RSVP soon!Here is the transcript of the video below:Dr. Dijamco: You may know about Dacey Paul Foshaug as our office manager but she is so much more than that. She is starting a new series of workshops called Life Essence workshops and I really love that name so tell us about it.Dacey: I am so excited to be teaching Life Essence workshops. I really want to start teaching people how to enjoy life and find that inner spark of happiness. I think I've picked up some tools along the way that I can help teach people those things, so that is what I'm wanting to share.Dr. Dijamco: Even before she joined us here in the practice, she had already had so many intuitive life experiences. I know you told me about one with a car accident. That one was really interestingDacey: In high school I had a dream I was in a car accident.  I had dreamt it the night before and then it actually happened the next day. That next day I was driving and I heard a loud voice in my head tell me not make the turn, and what did I do? I decided I'm making the turn and I did and then it was very impactful on my life. I was hospitalized for many days. It was a rough, touch experience for me. It made me realize that little voice is on my side and I should actually listen to it.Dr. Dijamco: That is a really neat story, and even when you were in the hospital, you had told me you had many intuitive experiences and dreams.Dacey: Yes, I had dreamt of a blue dress and the next day my aunt comes in with a beautiful blue nightgown for me. Just things like that just paying attention to those little things makes it fun.Dr. Dijamco: That's just something that naturally happens to Dacey, but I feel like it's something that we all have in us.Dacey: Absolutely, everybody has that inner voice and it's really just listening to it. That's what we'll be doing in these Life Essence workshops is I really want people to have tools to listen to that voice.The first workshop is Saturday, January 12th at 9:30am. It's an hour workshop and only $25 per person.What we are going to do on Saturday is I'll have some practical tools and fun exercises that we can do that's going to give you a hint into your inner voice on a couple different levels. So it will be really fun.Dr. Dijamco: That is so awesome! It's something I wish everyone could experience. If you can make it, please let us know. Space is limited, so RSVP soon.You can email us via the contact form or give us a call at 678-629-3988.   


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