Small things done consistently create extraordinary results

Small things done consistently create extraordinary results
But how do you stay consistent?
There's actually a whole science behind forming new habits. Here are some key tips: .
πŸ”‘ 1 - Keep your big picture WHY.
Not just what do you want to do consistently but WHY do you want to do it? Chances are, it’s because of you’ll feel amazing if you incorporate this new routine in your life. Maybe it’s a simple breathing exercise, or healthier eating habits, or doing something fun everyday. A healthy habit can fuel your love for life with vibrancy, peace, and happiness. Can you imagine it? Go ahead and soak up these feelings now to give you the momentum you need.
πŸ”‘ 2 - Schedule it.
Self-care is NOT a luxury. It’s a necessity! Prioritize your time to include space for your healthy habit. .
πŸ”‘ 3 - Reward yourself.
You know the saying, it's not just the goal but the journey. So, go ahead and reward yourself along the way.
Be specific about what you’d like to accomplish. Maybe it’s if you meditate 7 days in a row, you’ll treat yourself to a new book; and after 21 days in a row, you’ll reward yourself to a spa trip. Ohhh the thought of that actually makes me want to set a goal!
πŸ”‘ 4 - Be your own cheerleader!
Whether you make a basket or stumble, be ready to cheer yourself on. Keep the belief that you can do it. Assume that you'll be consistent rather than thinking you're doomed to fail. If you fall, brush yourself off, remember your WHY, and get back to it. Yes, you can do this!
πŸ”‘ 5 - Have an accountability buddy. .
Is there a friend, family member, or colleague that would like to develop a consistent habit too? Maybe you can encourage each other on. Check in with each other at regular intervals.
Go ahead and get excited about it! Let those feel-good emotions propel you forward. You are your own why.
Lots of love,
Dr. Dijamco



Always an amazing time with award-winning author and mystic Maudy Fowler and her daughter Priscilla.


Breathwork is the second most popular type of complementary medicine used in the U.S., according to the National Health Interview Survey