So many people have been talking to me about the Amazon rainforest...

So many people have been talking to me about the Amazon rainforest... The Amazon is like the lungs of the Earth, producing 20% of our planet's oxygen and cleansing the air of overabundant carbon dioxide. But now the Earth's lungs are on fire!
For many empathic folks, this can send huge waves of sadness 😥 for the earth and its inhabitants. .
But there is always hope and you can contribute to that spark!
First, know that it's OK to feel sad.
Then, in the center of that you will feel your heart swell 💗!
💞 Let that love out to the Earth and back around to yourself through the back of your heart.

The sadness creates movement 👉 which if you let the love flow without resistance to any emotion will 👉 transmute all to a higher frequency. ⭐️💖🙏
That's my approach and I hope that helps you, too.
Much love,
Dr. Dijamco
P.S. - In the meantime, eat less meat, use less plastic, and take the CNN quiz to help reduce global warming. What's good for the Earth is good for you!


Yes! Let's do this!!! EFT Tapping Live Webinar to Help Kids Destress!


The key to simple yet profound self-healing...