The thing about shrimp chips... a journey in self-awareness

The thing about shrimp chips... a journey in self-awareness
πŸŽ’ When I was in elementary school, I was the only Asian person in my grade. Sometimes, the other kids would make snide comments about my eyes or the shape or my face. It wasn’t always what they said, but how they said it. Back then, all I wanted to do was fit in.

My Dad would buy us snacks from the Asian market. The one I remember the most β€” one of our favorites β€” was shrimp chips. 🍀 Yup, shrimp chips. They come in a pink and white foil bag. I never really thought anything of it until one day my grandfather brought us a bag while he was picking us up from after school.

Then, this older boy that used to pick on me stuck his head in the window of the two-toned brown Volkswagen. β€œWhat are you eating?” he asked. β€œShrimp chips,” said my grandfather, β€œDo you want some?”

The question hung in the air for a moment. At least the boy was polite enough in front of my grandfather and said, β€œNo thanks!” and nothing more. But I saw the raised eyebrows and surprised look on his face. At the time, I wanted to crawl under the VW seat like a turtle. 🐒 Ahhh, shrimp chips!

To be honest with you, I kinda chuckle at it now. Once, I asked my kids if they wanted to eat shrimp chips just to see how they would react. Mostly, I got a lot of surprised looks and β€œEwww!” So, I have an understanding of the multiple perspectives.

Ironically, the shrimp-chip incident gave me a better understanding of my background. 🌏 I knew I was different. I also knew that my parents had left their homes and families to move to the US to train as physician. I appreciated them and all they went through.
πŸ’ž It was a milestone in self-awareness. I wanted to belong but appreciated being different at the same time.
Knowing who you are and why you might have certain perspectives and patterns is a πŸ”‘ key to healing. The more you know yourself, the more honest and authentic you can be. πŸ’œ
But sometimes, it’s hard to hear your own unique voice. You can feel like you get lost in the noise. That was middle school for me.
πŸ€” So, how do you learn to hear your own voice?
πŸ‘‰ I’ll tell you how I did tomorrow.
Stay tuned...
πŸ’•Dr. D


Part 2: What it means to scramble β€” When you can't make a decision, life makes one for you!


I'm a good kind of tired... having spent the today doing things that makes my heart sing!