This one can be a tough one to get at first

But just because something is stressful doesn’t mean that you have to stay in a constant state of stress.

The outer world does NOT have to determine your inner world.

As you learn to become aware of your own patterns, you can start to shift them.

It takes a conscious practice to choose not to run your default patterns

It takes a regular practice to groove in new neural pathways

To create a new baseline

So, what exactly are you practicing?

To acknowledge and process your feelings instead of stuffing them

So that you can choose the way you’d like to be.

It’s ok if you’ve put your emotions aside - it’s a coping mechanism.

However, either numbing or running the same high intensity all the time is not sustainable.

I was listening to Charlie Goldsmith talk the other day and he gave a great example:
When you read a funny joke, you might laugh spontaneously

But if you read the same joke over and over, your laughter at some point calms down on your own.

It’s not like you laugh indefinitely - it’s great to laugh but not functional if you never stop.

So the same with a stressful situation

You can have a stressed out response

But at some point, you can also rebalance despite what’s going on around you.

This is much easier if you let yourself have an authentic experience

Which means your mind-body-spirit are aligned and on the same page

That way you can have a higher perspective with compassion for your own human experience

There’s not a right or wrong to your experience

It just is

So let yourself BE

Then your emotions can process quickly

And your life can flow.

What are you doing to acknowledge your feelings today?

What can you do today to calm?

Please share! We’re all in this together.

With love,
Dr. Dijamco

Follow me @allworldshealth for MultiDimensional perspectives to help you supercharge your health in all dimensions


Special thanks to @charliegoldsmith


Flower essences can help you calm


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