What is Homeopathy?
What is homeopathy?
Homeopathyis a system of medicine over 200 years old based on the principles of ‘likecures like.” A substance that causes illness can actually be used to treat thesame illness when given in minute or nano doses known has homeopathic remedies.
How did homeopathy come about?
AGerman physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), founded homeopathy based onhis discoveries. Through his observations and experiments, he noticed that asmall dose of a substance that causes disease could be used to treat the sameor similar illness. Therefore, he called his new system of medicine“homeopathy” because “homois” means similarin Greek and “pathos” means suffering.
Itwas known that Peruvian bark, Cinchona,was helpful in treating malaria. Exactly why was unclear but it was assumed tobe due to its bitter and astringent properties. However, Dr. Hahnemannquestioned that assumption because there were many other more bitter andastringent herbs that were not helpful for malaria. He began taking doses ofPeruvian bark to study its effects. After a certain threshold, he began to haveepisodes of fevers, aches, and chills similar to the symptoms of malariaitself. It was then he had the idea of “like cures like.”
Despiteopposition from the prevailing medicine at the time, homeopathy grew inpopularity, because it offered a safer and more effective way of treatingillness. In the 1800’s, bloodletting with leaches was commonplace — a practicethat often weakened patients. Homeopathy presented a welcome and beneficialchange from “modern medicine.”
Homeopathicremedies are very dilute medicines with little to no active physicalingredient. Rather, homeopathy relies on the energetic imprint of a substance.For this reason, homeopathic remedies are quite safe to use in all ages from infantsto elderly. Unlike prescription or over-the-counter medications, there are noaddictive qualities or side effects to homeopathic remedies. With over 200years of use, homeopathy has established a sound history of individualized,gentle, and effective treatment.
Whenused appropriately, homeopathic remedies can have dramatic effects. However,because homeopathy relies on customizing the remedy to the individual, studieshave to be set up properly in order to measure the effect. For example, not allcases of diarrhea can be treated with the same remedy.
Studyin the medical journal Pediatrics
In this study published in Pediatrics, a group in Nicaragua found individualized homeopathic treatment of childhood diarrhea effectively reduced the episodes and duration of diarrhea. Since the conventional treatment of childhood diarrhea consists mainly of hydration therapy, the addition of homeopathy to help reduce the duration of the illness is immensely helpful.
Clinical Trials and Evidence
Otherstudies including multiple meta-analyses in reputable medical journals alsosupporting the efficacy of homeopathy.
Lancet review
- A 1997 Lancet review article found significant effects of homeopathy in placebo-controlled trials.
British Journal of Medicine review
- The British Journal of Medicine analyzed 105 homeopathy trials and found that of the 22 best studies, 15 showed positive results.
Clinical Studies
Clinicalstudies looking at specific ailments also support homeopathy.
Homeopathic medicines use for upper respiratory infections (colds)
- Multiple studies have shown significant response of colds to homeopathic remedies, whether to treat colds or prevent them.
Homeopathic medicines use for fibromyalgia
- As reported in the medical journal Rheumatology, Dr. Iris Bell’s group at the University of Arizona found that individualized homeopathic remedies significantly improved symptoms of fibromyalgia patients compared to placebo.
Homeopathic medicines use for endometriosis-associated pelvic pain
- This study found that women with endometriosis-associated pelvic pain who were treated with homeopathy had significant improvements in their pain and depression scores compared to a placebo group.
Homeopathic medicines use for adverse effects of cancer treatments
- A Cochrane Review article found support for homeopathy in the reduction of adverse effections of cancer treatments, namely radiation-induced dermatitis as well as chemotherapy-induced stomatitis.
Homeopathic medicines use for allergic rhinitis
- “Homeopathy may be better than placebo,” reported the British Medical Journal, based on the findings in this study on using homeopathy to treat patients with perennial allergic rhinitis.
Homeopathic medicines use for recurrent tonsillitis
- In this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, children with recurrent tonsillitis treated with homeopathy did significantly better than the placebo group (78% had no episodes within a 4-month follow-up vs 33% in the control group.)
Homeopathic medicines use for childhood ear infections
- A study of 81 children with ear infections found that the group treated with individualized homeopathy experienced faster symptom improvement and significantly reduced antibiotic use compared to the group treated with conventional treatment. In fact, no antibiotics were required in the homeopathy group.
Homeopathic use for childhood diarrhea
- This study looked at the combined results from three different studies. They found that individualized homeopathic treatment for childhood diarrhea consistently reduced the duration of diarrhea.
Statistics on usage in the United Statesand around the world
According to the Homeopathy Research Institute, over 200 million people use homeopathy worldwide. In fact, it is part of the national health systems in Switzerland, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Pakistan, and India.
In the U.S.
Within the United States, over 6 million people use homeopathy, including an estimated 5 million adults and 1 million children. Actually, homeopathy is in the top three complementary and integrative medicine tools used in the U.S., say Harvard researchers based on their analysis of the 2012 National Health Interview Survey. found that homeopathy use in the U.S. has increased by 15% in the last decade. In fact, although used by a small percentage, homeopathy use in the U.S. has grown by 15% in the last decade.
In India
India is the country with the most peoplerelying on homeopathy with an estimated 100 million people using homeopathy as their main or only system of medicine.
In the United Kingdom
About 10% of the population, or around 6million people, in the United Kingdom use homeopathy.There are ~400 UK physicians who treat with homeopathy and an additional ~1500 non-medical homeopathic practitioners.
In Europe
Anestimated 100 million, or about 30%, of Europeans use homeopathy regularly.
Throughoutthe world, there is a growing number of people turning to homeopathy to improvetheir health, whether through self-care or with the help of a professional. Inaddition, the number of homeopathic practitioners is also increasing.
Famous people that use homeopathy
Due to their own experiences, many famous people strongly support homeopathy. As discussed in Dana Ullman’s book The Homeopathic Revolution, these people include the following:
Royalty use homeopathy
The British Royal Family is reknowned for theirstrong support of homeopathy for generations, fromQueen Elizabeth to Prince Charles to Prince William and so on.
Physician leaders use homeopathy
Surgeon General Dr. Charles Everett Koop’s experiences with homeopathy early in life inspired him to be a doctor. He wrote in his memoir Koop, “I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to be a doctor. The doctors I knew as a very young child must have helped to plant the desire in me, when I was as young as five or six. One Homeopathic physician, Dr. Justice Gage Wright, was a great model.”
Charles Frederick Menninger, MD, founder of TheMenninger Clinic, a reknowned mental health clinic,also practiced homeopathy. He said, “"Homeopathy is wholly capable ofsatisfying the therapeutic demands ofthis age better than any other system or school of medicine."
Musicians use homeopathy
Musiciansfrom many generations have used homeopathy from Tina Turner, to Axl Rose, Paul McCartney, Bob Weir, Cher, Moby, DizzieGillespie, and classics such as Beethoven, Schumann, and Chopin.
Writers use homeopathy
Manywriter use homeopathy, including Mark Twain, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Louisa MayAlcott, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, LordAlfred Tennyson, and others.
Celebrities use homeopathy
Manycelebrities use homeopathy, including Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jane Seymour, TobeyMcGuire, Orlando Bloom, and JenniferAnniston.
Spiritual leaders use homeopathy
To help heal the sick and poor, Mother Theresa opened her first charitable homeopathic pharmacy in Calcutta in 1950. There are now four homeopathic dispensaries running under her charity. Spiritual leaders from many religions have also used homeopathy, including 7 Popes, and Mahatma Gandhi.
Homeopathic immunizations
“Homeopathicvaccines” or “homeoprophylaxis” is not the same as a regular vaccine. In myopinion, the term “homeopathic vaccine” is misleading. Although both use smallamounts of the diseases-causing substance, homeopathic remedies rely on nanoamounts, which are far smaller than regular vaccines. In addition, the way inwhich vaccines work and homeopathy works is very different. Regular vaccinesstimulate an immune response within the body. Homeopathic remedies work withthe overall vital force of a person. Also, since homeopathic remedies areintended to be individualized, it does not necessarily make sense to give asingle remedy to a large population unless there is an immediate concern.
Homeopathic prophylaxis
Thatbeing said, homeopathic prophylaxis can be of immense value, such as inemergency situations. For example, in 2007, Cuba experienced an epidemic outbreakof leptospirosis, which is a bacterial illness that can spread quickly throughwater and soil. In this type of emergency, vaccination is limited in itsusefulness because it takes time for vaccines to work. Instead, a homeoprophylaxis remedywas created and given orally to 2.3 million people. A decreased incidence was seen in regions givenhomeoprophylaxis versus regions not treated.

What issues/illnesses/conditions canhomeopathy treat?
Homeopathycan be used to treat a variety of illnesses. These range from more acuteissues, such as ear infections, colds, sore throats, headaches, indigestion,and minor stress,
Homeopathyis meant to be part of an integrative approach. With the help of both aprofessional homeopath as well as a conventional or integrative medicalpractitioner, homeopathy can also help treat chronic issues, including any ofthe above issues that are recurrent, as well as anxiety, depression, irritablebowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, other autoimmune problems,fibromyalgia, attention or learning issues, menstrual problems, infertility,allergies, rashes, asthma, and insomnia.
What should it not be used for?
Homeopathydoes not replace all types of medicine. Again, the emphasis is on anintegrative approach. As such,homeopathy should not be used alone in emergencies. This includes respiratorydistress, altered consciousness, dehydration, serious injury, and cardiac arrest.For these and other emergent conditions, emergency medical services (EMS) mustbe notified immediately. If homeopathic remedies are available, thenappropriate remedies may be given while waiting for EMS to arrive.
Risks, safety, and side effects ofhomopeathy
Whenused appropriately, there is very little risk when taking homeopathic remedies,because there is little to no active physical ingredient in the remedy.Homeopathic remedies are energetic remedies that support the vital force of thebody.
Healingsymptoms — an initial aggravation followed by improvement
As with many healing modalities, it ispossible that there are healing symptoms, such as being more tired or atemporary aggravation of symptoms, as the body assimilates the energeticinformation provided by the remedy. If healing symptoms occur, they aretransient. Afterwards, a person will typically feel remarkably better.
If the incorrect remedy is taken, it ispossible that a person goes through “proving” symptoms in which there is aworsening of symptoms. These usually become apparent within the first few dosesof taking a remedy and resolve with stopping the remedy and with time. However,upon resolution of the proving symptoms, the original symptoms will stillpersist.
If for some reason your symptoms worsen, stoptaking the homeopathic remedy immediately. If you are unclear whether you arehaving a healing reaction or a proving, then consult a professional homeopath.
Needfor additional care
Homeopathy is not meant to substitute ordelay urgent or emergent care. Conventional physicians are often concernedabout this. Although valid, a properly trained homeopath would know his or herlimitations as well as the signs of more serious illness. Furthermore,homeopathy does not have to be an either/or modality. In an ideal situation,homeopathic practitioners and medical physicians work together for the patient.
Improperlyprepared product
Although there have been concerns raisedregarding contaminated products, the fact is that the homeopathic remedies madein the United States must be prepared with certain standards set by theHomeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States. There have been only a handfulof U.S.-prepared homeopathic remedies recalled compared to conventionalmedications.
What is the difference between homeopathyand conventional medicine?
Howsymptoms are addressed and supporting a person’s innate healing mechanism
One of the main differences betweenhomeopathy and conventional medicine is how the symptoms are addressed. Fromconventional medicine, symptoms are often looked at as something to suppress,such as using an anti-inflammatory to reduce inflammation or an anti-histamineto reduce an allergic response. Instead, homeopathy considers symptoms to bethe body’s attempt to return to a balance state.
From a homeopathic perspective, there is aninnate wisdom of the body, which if supported, can help restore balance. Forexample, a cough is the body’s way to expel an irritant from the lungs.Similarly, vomiting or diarrhea are ways the body is trying to get rid oftoxins contributing to illness. By using homeopathy to support the body’soverall vital force — it’s innate healing mechanism — and efforts to movetowards balance, symptoms can often resolve more quickly and completely.
The importance of behavior, emotions, and personality in the evaluation
Homeopathyinvolves a whole-person approach. This means that not just physical symptomsare important but also a person’semotional and mental state as well as their overall personality. Two people with the same physical symptomscould actually be given different remedies. As Hippocratessaid, “It is mores important to know what sort of person has a disease thanwhat sort of disease a person has.”
In conventional medicine, these kinds of details are less important. For example, ibuprofen could be given to reduce inflammation, irrespective of a patient’s mental-emotional state (except of course in extreme cases, such as in an unconscious patient who cannot swallow.)
Energetic or quantum doses do not make sense in conventional medicine
Weare energetic beings and despite the fact we might not have the tools tomeasure minute dosing, does not mean thatthere is nothing in a homeopathic remedy. Very small doses of a substance and even the energetic patterns of asubstance can have physiologic effects. We see thisin environmental studies on chemicals in plastic and their hormonal effects.
In addition, Nano medicine isactually huge a growing field and modern medicine. Yet, at one point, we couldnot measure nano particles. Although we do not yet have all the answers as tohow homeopathic remedies work, it does not mean they do not work. In myopinion, it would be better to admit that we don’t know it all rather than tothrow out all benefits due to lack of understanding.
What is the difference between homeopathyand naturopathy?
Often,people will use the terms homeopathy and naturopathy interchangeably but theyare not the same thing. Naturopathy is a modality of medicine that also assiststhe person’s natural healing abilities but does not necessarily rely onenergetic remedies. Naturopaths may use diagnostic tests, nutrition, herbals,supplements, mind-body techniques, and some may actually use homeopathy. So,naturopathy is a much broader field, and naturopaths may or may not incorporatehomeopathy. Of note, there are also many different types of homeopathy. More onthat below.
What are combination remedies?
Combination remedies use more than one homeopathic remedy in a dose. Typically, combination remedies use lower potency remedies from “X” remedies up to “6, 12, or 30c” remedies. By combining multiple low-potency remedies that are commonly used for a certain illness, these types of remedies aim to treat the majority of people with that illness. An example of a combination remedy is this one for seasonal allergies.
However,combination remedies are not necessarily customized to the individual, andtherefore there are certain people that will do better with a single remedies.Imagine that within a combination remedy there are some remedies that arehelpful for you and others do not seem to be a good match. In that case, thereis an energetic tug-of-war in the body, so the homeopathic message to the bodyis less clear. Granted, these are generally very low-potency remedies of lowrisk but they may not be quite as effective as an individualized remedy. Peopletend to choose combination remedies for ease of use.
What is classical homeopathy?
Classicalhomeopathy uses a single homeopathic remedy at a time by matching a person’ssymptom profile as much as possible to a single remedy. From the classical perspective,treating with a single remedy creates the clearest signal to the body.
Can you safely use homeopathic remedies athome?
Yes,you can learn to use homeopathic remedies to self-treat minor illnesses athome. Often, it is best to have a homeopathic kit because the need for ahomeopathic remedy can arise suddenly. That way, when you bump your head, haveindigestion, or feel the onset of a cold, you’ll have the most common remedieson-hand.
Seebelow for the category of conditions appropriate for self-treating withhomeopathy.

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Two main categories of treatment inhomeopathic medicine
Conditionstreated by homeopathy can be divided into two main categories — acute versuschronic issues.
Acute conditions are symptoms that are generally short-lived with both a rapid onset and short resolution, such as a cold. If you are not a homeopathic or other healthcare practitioner, then consider only acute issues for homeopathic treatment at home. Of course, if the condition persists or worsens, then consult a qualified healthcare practitioner.
Chronic conditions are illnesses with ongoing symptoms that have been persisting for months. In these cases, consultation with a professonal homeopath so that a constitutional remedy may be prescribed. However, there are situations where seemingly acute issues are actually indicative of a deeper, long-standing issue. If so, a constitutional remedy is also called for and requires consulting a professional homeopath.
What are homeopathic remedies?
Homeopathicremedies are actually energetic or vibrational remedies that can be derivedfrom minerals, animals, or plants.
Howare homeopathic remedies made?
The process of making a homeopathic remedyinvolves serial dilutions and “succussions” (vigorous shaking) of the originalsubstance in water or alcohol. The potency of a remedy describes how many timesthe original substance was diluted and succussed. For example, a 30c potency isa remedy that has been diluted by 1:100 (“c” stands for centesimal) thirtytimes and succussed with each dilution. The remedy is then commonly stored onsugar pellets or in a liquid alcohol solution.
Whatis a homeopathic pharmacy?
Ahomeopathic pharmacy specializes in the production of homeopathic remedies andcomply with regulations set forth by theagencies below. Any company that manufacture homeopathic products must register with the FDA.
Is homeopathy/homeopathic medicineregulated?
The FederalFood, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) classifies homeopathic medicines as drugs.Manufacturing of homeopathic medicines must follow comprehensive guidelines setforth by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) as well asthe FDA’s Current Good Manufacturing Practices. New single homeopathic remediesare reviewed by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States(HPCUS) with monographs listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the UnitedStates (HPUS). Labeling and marketing of homeopathic medicines falls under theFDA. Homeopathic products can only be marketed for self-limited andself-diagnosable conditions.
How does homeopathy work?
Howhomeopathic remedies could work is one of the most controversial areas inintegrative medicine. At the 30c potency and above, there is unlikely to be anyphysical matter of the original substance left. However, just because we do notyet have the tools to measure, does not mean there is no effect. Although weare not exactly sure how homeopathic remedies work, there are some theories.
The mostcommon theory of how homeopathic remedies work is based on “water memory.” Infact, the United Kingdom’s Royal Society of Medicine held a groundbreakingconference on July 14, 2018 to discuss this theory with Nobel Laureates anddistinguished scientists. Water is not as simple as it may seem and has thecapabilities to hold large amounts of information. It is also possible forwater to hold nano-sized clusters that are biologically active.
The principles of homeopathy
1.The law of similars states that “like cures like.” That is, a substancethat causes a pattern of symptoms in large doses can be used to treat otherillness with a similar pattern of symptoms when used in very small doses.
2.The law of infinitesimals or law ofminimum dose states that the more dilute a substance is, the more potent isits action. This law is difficult to understand in terms of conventionalmedicine. But much like there is a therapeutic dose range in the upper range ofa medicine, there is also a therapeutic dose range in the energetic range. Takethis analogy, for example: Even though sound waves (a vibration and form ofenergy) cannot be seen, they can break glass. Of course, a slower moving densehammer can also break glass.
3.The law of totality states that a it is the whole picture of a person thatdetermines the remedy, including physical symptoms, mental-emotional state,personality, and behavior. Remedies are prescribed on an individualized basis.
4.The law of singulars is used in classical homeopathy, in which only oneremedy is prescribed at a time to have a clearer picture of the effects of theremedy.
Homeopathy examples
Onion(allium cepa) can cause runny nose and watery eyes but can also be usedhomeopathically to treat hayfever with runny nose and watery eyes.
Poisonivy (rhus tox) can cause an itchy, blistering rash, but usedhomeopathically it can help treat a poison ivy rash as well as similar itchy,blistering rashes like some fever blisters.
Apis (honeybee venom) can causes a painful swelling, but used homeopathically, it canactually ease other bites and stings with similar responses.
What is a homeopathy kit?
A homeopathy kit is a set of remedies conveniently stored in a container. That way, you can take the kit along with you whether on a trip or to keep at home as part of your first aid kit. The thing is, you never know when you might need a remedy. It's best to have some common remedies available in case you need them urgently. When you or a loved one is hurt or sick, it's so much easier to have a homeopathic remedy with you. A homeopathy kit can save having to run off to the store at some odd hour. Plus, the nearest store may not have the remedy you need.
You can get a homeopathy kit like this one from Helios.