Anatomy of the Heart-Brain Connection

Anatomy Lesson about the Heart-Brain ConnectionI recently learned something very important about the heart-brain connection. There are many more nerves sending signals from the heart to the brain than the brain to the heart. As human beings our heart is meant to signal our brain more than our brain is our heart! I think that’s absolutely amazing.We can actually see from our anatomy that we are heart-centered beings. NOT mind-centered.

So how our heart feels about our day-to-day life decisions is immensely important. Both for our physiology and optimal functioning of our body but also to live in the ease of life with the heart and mind aligned.We are often trying to live as mind-centered but this is like going upstream.If we live they way we are literally built to live, listening more to our hearts, we can go with the natural flow of life.When entering that heart-centered living, we are better able to connect with ourselves and others, we feel a sense of belonging and purpose.So, keep this anatomy in mind to be in the natural flow of life.., choose heart-centered living.Love,Dr. Arlene DijamcoPS- Thanks to anatomy professor Dr. Mark Shuenke and The Osteopathic Cranial Academy annual conference for this amazing anatomy lesson on the Heart-Brain connection!

Awww, well that just makes me melt. ..


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