Have you ever tried intuitive writing?

Have you ever tried intuitive writing? It’s so great to get those creative juices flowing and helps to delve deeper into self-healing.
I’ve played around with intuitive writing since I was in high school.
Here’s a quick how-to:
I like to try it after a quick meditation, or yoga, or tai chi ... something grounding and balancing. A walk in nature could do the trick
Then, take your pen and paper and find a cozy spot
Write down whatever pops in your head
If you think, “this is silly,” write that down
It could be in sentences or phrases or even individual words
The point is not to judge whatever your write down
There’s no right or wrong to it anyway (no certificates or gold stars)
This is the practice of being mindful
Of being a quiet, loving, neutral observer to your own experience
My own intuitive writing experience today started like this: “I am me I am me I am me...” then went into seemingly random thoughts and emotions.
Often, I’m surprised by what I write. Maybe it’s an idea that I didn’t realize was waiting to be birthed. Maybe it’s an issue I thought was long resolved.
Whatever happens, it’s a beautiful opportunity to get to know yourself even better
And in knowing and understanding yourself more fully you are healing
Because that’s where the spark is
Within you
With love,
Dr. Dijamco .
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