I love creating. There’s something about making things that helps me feel alive

I love creating. There’s something about making things that helps me feel alive.
And I love making things for other people. Like these flower essence remedies that I’m putting together here.
Sometimes, I’ll make a custom remedy for a patient or other loved one. (Yes, I love all my patients! I wouldn’t be able to help you if I didn’t.)
The most common remedy I’ve made this year has been the 2020 Calm. I sold out of the first two batches. The good news is I was able to find the blue bottles I like to make another (they’ve been in short supply).
The 2020 Calm rosewater + flower essence blend is to help bring some calm and grounding during this year.
I’ve had people circling around asking for another bottle, so I wanted to let you know that those will be ready by this weekend.
Each bottle is sent with instructions to help you get the most out of this beautiful rosewater spray. Use it to help clear spaces as well as your own energy field, and to help you get back in resonance / balance.
If you would like a bottle of this limited edition 2020 Calm rosewater spray, you can order in the link in profile. I’d be happy to send it to you!
With love,
Dr. Dijamco
#integrativemedicine #holistichealth #cranialosteopathy #floweressences #clarity #calm #loveheals


I was sitting in the living room curled up in a ball. I was in fourth grade. There wasn't anything apparent that was happening but I was hyperventilating


I love this big guy so much!