Kids Meditation Script for Clarity

sweet girl with teddy bear gazing at the sky
feel calmer and clearer with Sky Kids Meditation

Teaching kids how to meditate is easy with scripts

Want to teach your child how to meditate but not sure where to start?  A kids meditation script is an easy ways to teach kids quickly.

First, get familiar with the meditation script, so that you can read it fluidly.

Then, do a run-through for yourself to see how it feels.

Next, get the kids and read the script to do the meditation together. This is an amazing opportunity to practice valuable life skills as a family.

Sky meditation script

Why do this meditation?

In our modern society, kids minds are easily overstimulated and full. Doing a clarity meditation is like a breath of fresh air for the mind. Then they can think more clearly and feel more at ease.

Is your child feeling worried, anxious, or sad? A clarity mediation is a great to do prior to studying, taking a test, performing on stage, or when intense emotions build up. This sky meditation incorporates mindfulness or gentle awareness of the thoughts and breath. When practiced regularly, these kinds of meditations help kids make clear decisions and live with more ease.

How to set up

For this meditation, any space that feels comfortable and safe will do. In the beginning you may want to do it outside so that you have the visual of the expansiveness of the sky. It can be done sitting, standing, lying down or even walking. Actually, I'd encourage you to practice with your child in various settings. That way you gain experience in bringing the meditation with you into regular life.

Sky kids meditation script

Take a look at (or imagine) the great open sky. The sky extends outwards in all directions as far as we can see.

When you breathe in, slowly breathe in that huge expansiveness of the sky all the way into your belly. Then hold it for a few seconds and let the air out of your belly in a great big sigh out saying "Hahhhhhhhh..."

Now take a few easy normal breaths in between.

Let's do that Hahhh breath two more times. Slow breath in breathing in the sky, hold for a few seconds, then "Hahhhhhhhhh..."

Great, then a few easy normal breaths.

Then one more Hahhh breath, slowly breath in the sky, hold for a few seconds, then "Hahhhhhhhhh..."

Good job.

Now let's bring our awareness to our minds. Our minds help us direct our bodies and lives. So, let's see if we can use our minds more clearly.

Imagine that your mind is like the sky. You can see how big the sky is and how it goes on and on in all directions. Imagine that your mind is like that, so big and expansive, there is so much space it could go on forever.

Now imagine that each thought is like a fluffy cloud floating through the sky. The clouds keep moving and changing without trying at all. It's just what clouds do.

Our thoughts can be the same way. Pretend your thoughts are like the clouds, floating through your mind.

What kinds of thought clouds do you notice floating around? Are they happy thoughts that make you feel good? Are they sad thoughts that worry you? No matter what kind of thoughts they are, let them continue to float and change shape through your endless sky mind.

Sometimes it may feel the sky is getting cloudy with too many thoughts. It might even start to rain! That's OK, just keep breathing nice and slowly. The breath helps the cloud thoughts move and clear so that there is space for new, refreshing and creative thoughts. If you have trouble remembering something, this is a great reminder to keep breathing -- you keep breathing to create room in your sky mind so that you will notice the cloud thought that you need.

Would you like to have more feel-good thoughts, like "I can do it" and "I am amazing?" Just ask your mind to make these kinds of cloud thoughts, then use your slow easy breath to propel them. Take a few easy slow breaths now and ask your mind to create loving thoughts that help you.

Now take a few moments to feel those loving thoughts in your heart.

Then more loving thoughts down into your belly. Then through your legs, all the way down to your toes.

And one more big Hahhh breath, breath in slowly, taking in the whole sky into your belly, then a nice slow "Hahhhhhh...." letting the breath all the way out.

You are amazing. You can do this sky meditation anytime you are feeling worried, mad, or sad, or when you want to think more clearly, or when you just need to take a break from a busy day.

Kids meditation scripts and videos make teaching kids meditation so easy! Check out this video excerpt of Dragon Breath, a type of release breath taught in our Kids Meditation online course. Release breaths are great for releasing pent-up emotions like nervousness or worry.


Meditation for Kids: Benefits, How To, and Meditation Tips


Kids Meditation Video: Dragon Breath