“Mommy, the only reason they call them weeds is because they grow so easily. Look how pretty they are!”

“Mommy, the only reason they call them weeds is because they grow so easily. Look how pretty they are!”
. 🌱Local weeds make some of the best healers. They are hearty, able to grow and thrive despite harsh weather. They find the light through small crevices.
. 🌼Dandelion is a great example! The whole plant is gently cleansing for the body. . 🌱If using fresh, make sure it has not been sprayed with pesticides or visited by pets 😊
If the spring bloom is getting to you, you can use this free road map for lifting seasonal allergies: https://allworldshealth.com/seasonal-allergies-roadmap/
#allergies #sniffles #congestion #itchy #seasonalallergies #arlenedijamcomd #breathe #dandelion #herbalmedicine #youcandothis


Cauliflower polenta? Wow so delicious thank you @true_food_kitchen !


Temple of Time: To both honor the 17 that were killed and help the community heal, artist David built a Temple of Time with the help of many volunteers.