This adorable turtle happened on my path while I was on vacation. Great timing! Here’s what a turtle messenger could mean:
This adorable turtle happened on my path while I was on vacation. Great timing! Here’s what a turtle messenger could mean:
🐢Slow down! Stop and smell the roses.
I’d like to think that’s something I do constantly. But it’s not always easy for a busy-body like me!
Modern culture does not embrace this kind of pace. Everything is about being faster and getting more done.
We are over-stimulated. It’s no wonder that it can be difficult to calm down.
Which is why I love reminders like this in my life.
Slowing down could be just making sure you are breathing - not holding your breath for time to pass.
🐢Also your home is within you.
It’s not about waiting for everything on the outside to change in order to feel a certain way.
Clarity is within. And it can take slowing down to see that. That may seem counter-intuitive at first, but taking a moment to breathe is way more efficient.
🐢Turtle also stands for perseverance. .
In other words, don’t give up!
There may be delays and difficulties, but it could be a shift in perspective that makes all the difference. Obstacles could be stepping stones or opportunities you might not have considered.
So, turtle and I are cheering you on!
—Slow down and breathe
—Clarity (your home) is within
—You can do this! Obstacles are new opportunities.
Much love,
Dr. Dijamco
#consciousliving #arlenedijamcomd #integrativemedicine #breathe #youcandothis #clarity #turtle #tortoise #trustintheprocess #stopandsmelltheroses