TRE Around the World
My friend and colleague, Maria Alfaro, is the head instructor for Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE®) in the United States. Here, she describes her one-month trip to Palestine working with counselors and social workers in Bethlehem, a large hospital, as well as a refugee camp on the West Bank. It speaks to the remarkable capacity for the human body, mind, and spirit to heal. Here are some quotes from the video:"It is difficult to describe in a few words the uplifting and transformative experience we had there.""The people there are so stressed that sometimes they can report immediate and often significant benefits."“I feel happy for the first time in years.”“I can breathe again. I feel hope. My back pain is gone”“TRE changed my life. I can now sleep and play with my kids”“What did you do to my friend? I’ve never seen him so happy and relaxed even since we were kids.”For more on how TRE is used globally, check out this video about TRE in Chile.