I love this hotel - the art, the people, and the food!!! Thanks @fruitive for all the nourishments this weekend

I love this hotel - the art, the people, and the food!!! Thanks @fruitive for all the nourishments this weekend.
I never had this kind of food at medical conferences until I started Dr Weil’s integrative medicine fellowship with the University of Arizona
❤️ They encouraged all physicians to walk the talk
Prior to that, hospitals that I trained at had fast food restaurants (we even had a McDonald’s that was featured in Supersize Me 😮)
Part of training to be an integrative physician was to help heal yourself
Including addressing those tender parts of the body, mind, and spirit
I am so thrilled that the osteopathic conference this weekend also had delicious, healthy food as they usually do
It’s hard to help people improve their health including eating well if you don’t do it too
Do I eat 100% perfect? No, but I sure feel better when I do and that’s a huge motivation
Because when you take care of yourself, you’re better able to take care of others
Here’s to healthy-living + yummy food = nourishment for my body and soul.
💕Dr. Dijamco
#integrativemedicine #integrativepediatrics #selfcare #selflove #healthyliving #holistic #holistichealth #cranialosteopathy #youcandoit #consciousliving #themultidimensionalmd


Where’s the sunshine? It’s been cloudy and rainy for two months here in Georgia and you can start to feel down about it


When you look at the list in the graphic, you might not immediately think of sleep issues