Where’s the sunshine? It’s been cloudy and rainy for two months here in Georgia and you can start to feel down about it

Where’s the sunshine? It’s been cloudy and rainy for two months here in Georgia and you can start to feel down about it. I wish we could send some rain to places that need it most right now.
No matter what season it is, if you aren’t getting proper sun exposure, then your vitamin D levels may be low.
Since Vitamin D actually acts as a hormone in the body, it can affect your overall health and well-being.
You need it for good immune function (hello flu and corona virus), balanced mood, muscle and bone strength, and to beat fatigue.
Often, people don’t realize that you can get vitamin D through foods.
It’s naturally-occurring in fatty fish like salmon, trout, and sardines as well as egg yolk and liver.
One of my favorite sources is mushroom! Mushroom exposed to sunlight have significantly more vitamin D. There are even some brands of sun-dried mushrooms for snacking.
The thing is, whether plant or animal, we all ultimately produce vitamin D with sun exposure.
It’s a balance of wearing sunscreen and getting your vitamin D. Those with darker skin need more time in the sun.
If you do need to take a supplement, take Vitamin D3 with some Vitamin K2. They are both important in calcium metabolism as K2 also helps to bring the calcium to the bones.
Dosage amounts vary with recommendations ranging from 600-800 IU’s/ day, although many would argue that 1000-2000 IU’s or more per day is better.
It really depends on what you need as there is a lot of individual variation.
In addition to the above, you can also check out this two-minute Health Hacks video on AOL (google search Health Hacks AOL). I was the main content developer for this video series. Scroll down to see the one on Winter Blues.
I also like to think of this cloudy season as an opportunity to tend to my inner light —the sunshine within — with meditation, yoga, tai chi, and sipping tea.
Love always,
Dr. Dijamco
#integrativemedicine #integrativepediatrics #holistic #holistichealth #consiousliving #vitamind #winterblues #themultidimensionalmd


Here’s one ceremony that most people are familiar with - singing “happy birthday” and blowing out candles!


I love this hotel - the art, the people, and the food!!! Thanks @fruitive for all the nourishments this weekend