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The MultiDimensional MD, Ep. 9 - Meditative Exercises with Dr. Chris Laseter

The MultiDimensional MD, Ep. 9, "Meditative Exercises" Join The MultiDimensional MD, Dr. Arlene Dijamco, as she interviews her guest, Dr. Chris Laseter.

Join me and my friend Dr. Chris Laseter, who is an osteopathic physician, acupuncturist, and Chinese internal arts practitioner.

He has combined his experience and studies to create a new paradigm in energy cultivation, healing, and self-realization that he calls Meditative-Exercise, or ME.

It's been remarkable for me to see this combination of osteopathy and qi gong. The meditations can involved movementstillnessmudras (hand positions to faciliate energy flow), and mantras (loving words or phrases that are repeated), all of which help to rebalance your energy channels (meridians).

Applications range from medicine to spiritualism; martial and the performing arts.

I'm excited to learn more! Dr. Laseter will be demonstrating examples of Meditative-Exercises that we can follow along with.


Dr. Dijamco